Ottawa Citizen

Lion kills tour guide in same park Cecil made home


A guide mauled to death by a lion put himself between tourists and the charging animal, during an attack in the same park where Cecil the lion once roamed.

Quinn Swales, 40, was killed as he led a walking tour through Hwange National Park.

“Quinn bore the full brunt of the charge and, unable to fire his rifle due to the speed of the attack, literally stopped the attack of the lion on his group by placing himself directly in harm’s way,” Camp Hwange said on its Facebook page.

“Having been thrown to the ground, bitten in the shoulder and neck Quinn sadly died at the scene, the shouting of his guests driving the lion away from his body and allowing, ultimately unsuccessf­ully, emergency first aid to be performed,” it said in a statement.

The accident happened when Swales and his party were following lion tracks that led to a pride. When an adult male rose and began walking toward the group, he told everyone to get behind him and stand still.

Although they shouted to intimidate the lion, the animal suddenly charged toward the group, attacking the guide.

Hwange park was once home to Cecil, a lion controvers­ially killed by an American trophy hunter in July, sparking internatio­nal outrage.

Like Cecil, the attacking lion, named Nxaha, wears a satellite collar installed by wildlife researcher­s.

Zimbabwe’s National Parks & Wildlife Management Authority will decide Nxaha’s future.

The attack has not affected the popularity of walking tours.

“It’s a safe experience and a great experience too. It’s not as if these attacks happen daily,” said Trevor Lane, a member of the Safari Operators Associatio­n of Zimbabwe. “It was an accident and we are still recording huge interest from tourists. It’s popular and will remain so.”

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