Ottawa Citizen

‘A cycle-friendly city is best for everyone,’ so show respect


Re: Fellow cyclists, we need to talk, Aug. 27.

Three rings of the bike bell to Matt Moore for his opinion piece.

I live near the Pretoria Bridge, and whether I’m walking, cycling or driving, like Moore, I’ve been passed by bikes on the left, passed on the right, passed on the sidewalk, and passed on the bike path, rarely with a bell or a warning, even while I myself am passing on my own bike.

Driving out in the morning, my head spins around like something from the Exorcist to keep track of all the directions bikes are coming from and where they’re going to mingle with car traffic. A cycle-friendly city is best for everyone, whether cyclist, driver or pedestrian, and respect for the other is necessary for all three if we’re going to become the Amsterdam of Ontario. Louise Rachlis, Ottawa

 ??  ?? Kristin Goff, left, Lynn Campbell, Arlene Steadman and Louise Rachlis all enjoy cycling and this photo was taken during their annual Antiques of Steel triathlon. Rachlis urges everyone on the road to show each other respect.
Kristin Goff, left, Lynn Campbell, Arlene Steadman and Louise Rachlis all enjoy cycling and this photo was taken during their annual Antiques of Steel triathlon. Rachlis urges everyone on the road to show each other respect.

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