Ottawa Citizen


Jonathan Roy trades goalie stick for guitar, seeks stardom


The Jonathan Roy who sat across from me at lunch last week appeared nothing like the angry young goalie famous for beating on his opponent during a Quebec major-junior game almost eight years ago.

The moment I sat down with him, the first things we talked about were love, relationsh­ips and music. Not hockey, nor his hockey-legend dad, NHL goaltender Patrick Roy.

The Jonathan Roy I met was a hopelessly romantic 26-year-old singer-songwriter still looking for that one true love, a sentiment expressed in his earworm of a new single, Daniella Denmark, written with Canadian rocker Corey Hart.

“Love is a hard thing to find,” Jonathan says. “I found it once, but it bit me in the butt. I thought she was the right one, but all of a sudden, it turned out to be a mistake, which kinda broke my heart, but actually led to the undoing of my writer’s block. I was finally able to feel something.”

I thought she was the right one, but all of a sudden, it turned out to be a mistake, which kinda broke my heart, but actually led to the undoing of my writer’s block.

Over beer and sushi, Roy tells me how his focus shifted from hockey to music. Born in Montreal, he moved to Colorado when he was six and his father was traded. He’s always been interested in music, thanks to his piano-playing mother, and listened to everyone from Garth Brooks to the Backstreet Boys. Although mom bought instrument­s for him one Christmas, they were put aside when hockey got serious.

“I’ve always loved music, but I was raised in a hockey family,” Jonathan says, sharing a childhood memory of hauling the Stanley Cup into his bed like a giant, not-so-cuddly teddy bear.

“My dad was who he was and I wanted to follow in his footsteps. I wanted to be the next Patrick Roy.”

His teenage years were spent following that dream until he landed on the Quebec major-junior team coached by his father. Some time after the infamous fight, which he regrets and learned a lesson from, the young Roy was called into the coach’s office.

“He said, ‘You know, it would be good for you to go back to school, get an education,’ ” Jonathan recalls. Instead of the crushing disappoint­ment one might expect at a dream being dashed, he felt relieved.

“I was really happy,” Jonathan said. “He opened those doors. He let me speak, and I was like, ‘I want to do music.’ At first he thought I was crazy. He didn’t want anything to do with it.”

But after Jonathan’s stint in a musical production of Don Juan, dad saw how hard his son was willing to work. He offered to help him find someone who would be as honest with him about music as he had been about hockey. “We wanted to find someone to bring me to the next level and really tell me the truth: ‘Do I really have what it takes to be a musician?’ ”

Enter Corey Hart, the multimilli­on-selling hitmaker best known for the 1980s faves Sunglasses at Night and Never Surrender. They connected online, and Hart invited Jonathan to his home and studio in the Bahamas. When Hart heard his soulful voice, on the spot he invited Jonathan to join his label, Siena Records, with major-label distributi­on by Warner Music Canada.

Over the next few years of writing and recording songs, Hart and Roy have become close, to the point that Roy feels like part of the family. They’ve written plenty of material, but Daniella Denmark is the first tune to be released to commercial radio. Depending on the response, the full album could be out next year.

The rhythmical­ly seductive Daniella Denmark was sparked after Jonathan expressed his longing for love in an email to Hart. That night, Hart dreamed he met a young woman from Denmark who said she was Jonathan’s soulmate, and woke up with the tune in his head.

“I thought it was awesome,” Jonathan says of the song, admitting he’s tempted to arrange a trip to the Northern European country. “I’ve been to Europe a few times, but I haven’t been there,” he says. “Maybe music will take me there. It will definitely be something I do in the future, for sure, not necessaril­y to seek someone out. I’m curious.”

In the meantime, Jonathan named his acoustic guitar Daniella, and knows he can count on her to share his hopes and dreams.

“I do want to be the next Ed Sheeran or the next Vance Joy. I want to sell millions and millions of records like Corey Hart,” he declares, “but the main thing is to be happy. If I can just put a plate on my table at home and be able to say I paid for this, worked for it by playing music, I’d be proud of that. I love to write and express my life. If I can keep doing that for the rest of my life, that would be my success story.”

 ??  ?? Jonathan Roy’s first love was hockey: ‘I was raised in a hockey family,’ says the son of NHL great Patrick Roy.
Jonathan Roy’s first love was hockey: ‘I was raised in a hockey family,’ says the son of NHL great Patrick Roy.

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