Ottawa Citizen


Ontario premier has put her full faith in Justin Trudeau prevailing on Oct. 19

- DAVID REEVELY dreevely@ottawaciti­­ly

Premier Kathleen Wynne took a day off governing Tuesday to spend it campaignin­g with federal Liberals across Toronto, going all-in on the bet she made against Conservati­ve Leader Stephen Harper months ago.

The antipathy between Ontario’s premier and Canada’s incumbent prime minister runs deep and long.

She began with criticizin­g Conservati­ve policy in 2014, moved on to call for a change in government, then for Ontarians to vote Liberal, and has now appeared personally with candidates in University-Rosedale, Spadina-Fort York, Oakville North-Burlington and Etobicoke-Lakeshore. These are all seats where Liberal prospects are strong but not necessaril­y locks.

Thursday she’s campaignin­g in Ajax (against Immigratio­n Minister Chris Alexander) and Don Valley West (her own riding). Liberals are trying to retake both seats from Conservati­ves.

But this is not just a bet on Justin Trudeau against Stephen Harper. It’s also a bet against Tom Mulcair. In two of the ridings she’s hit, the Liberal candidate’s main competitio­n is a New Democratic Party star candidate (ex-MuchMusic host Jennifer Hollett in University-Rosedale, and the sainted Olivia Chow in Spadina-Fort York).

Wynne owes Trudeau. In 2014, when Wynne’s provincial Liberals were not at all assured of re-election, Trudeau headlined a pair of big rallies for her — one in Ottawa, one in Toronto — bringing new energy and oomph to the campaign when it needed a boost.

Wynne partly returned the favour with a Toronto rally for Trudeau in August. She’s also lent press secretary Zita Astravas (who’s taken a leave from her public-payroll job in the premier’s office) to the Liberal leader’s national tour.

Some of the bloom might be off Wynne’s rose but she still means plenty in and around the 416. In the last days of a campaign, a shot of charisma can fire up volunteers and voters whose enthusiasm might have flagged, and possibly win over some Toronto voters wavering between the Liberals and New Democrats.

Ottawa Centre MPP Yasir Naqvi has been busier and busier as the federal campaign nears its finish, hitting doors and rallies not only here — though he’s been doing that — but in some of those touch-and-go Toronto ridings, too.

The former president of the Ontario Liberal Party is not just an Ottawa politician any more.

Progressiv­e Conservati­ve leader Patrick Brown’s a rock star among Ontario conservati­ves, having brought the provincial party a fair bit of attention with his insurgent leadership campaign.

He spent a couple of days in Ottawa last month doing the half-marathon in the Army Run, touring the Heart Institute and clucking about health budgets. And he found time to pitch in briefly on local Conservati­ve campaigns (such as Dev Balkissoon’s in Ottawa South and David Piccini’s in Ottawa-Vanier) and speak at a fundraiser for Nepean candidate Andy Wang.

But overall, the federal Tories are on the defensive, and it’s risky for Brown to appear with candidates for a party that’s on the outs.

Provincial NDP Leader Andrea Horwath’s done some federal campaignin­g mainly in her hometown of Hamilton and nearby Niagara. Like Brown, she’s busy with her own problems.

Is Wynne’s Liberal campaignin­g good for Ottawa? Government­s can get a lot more done when they aren’t riven by tribal divides: Ottawa’s light-rail plans began moving during a brief period when Liberals were in power at city hall, Queen’s Park and Parliament Hill, then almost came apart when Tory John Baird decided to get up Liberal Bob Chiarelli’s nose. More progress on rail, a new interprovi­ncial truck route or a new library is likelier if all the politician­s get along, no matter which party they’re in, and since we have Liberals in power locally and provincial­ly until at least 2018, having a federal government they can co-operate with has its advantages.

(Of course, they’re also less likely to be stopped if they set out to do something foolish. Which, depending on your politics, might be everything.)

Despite recent polls showing national Liberal strength, there’s still time for one of the other parties to make a comeback, or to prove the pollsters wrong — the Conservati­ves won more votes in 2011 than the final polls predicted then.

If that should happen, Wynne will have bet heavily with Ontario’s credit and lost.

But if it doesn’t, and a new federal Liberal government owes Ontario’s Liberal premier a favour, it’ll give the province a place of national importance it hasn’t had in a decade.

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