Ottawa Citizen


Show compassion to victims, writes Mohamad Jebara

- Mohamad Jebara serves as chief Imam and resident scholar at the Cordova Spiritual Education Center.

Recently, a cartoon depicting Syrian refugees as a Trojan horse concealing extremists has circulated, supplement­ed by countless articles and blogs goading the public to cease its support for refugees. Such an image is not only highly insensitiv­e, but is telling of the artist’s lack of empathy. It is evident that such an artist has never lived in a war-torn country where 80 per cent of the population live in poverty.

In a world of continuing carnage, penetratin­g hatred, escalating suspicion, and alarming animosity, many are left perplexed, disturbed and deeply confused. When storms of slaughter rage around us, it is not easy to find peace. Though we are deeply saddened by the senseless and tragic loss of life around the world, the Free World must continue to rise; to remain defiant before the colossal waves of hatred striking our shores; while standing strong in the face of those among us goading to hate. For peace to prevail in the world it must first be nurtured within our hearts; for it is there that healing must begin.

Tens of thousands of refugees are expected to come to Canada from a conflict and culture of which most Canadians know little and understand less. We must remember why we are helping. Like the first Syrian immigrants who came here generation­s ago, most of the Syrian refugees being brought to Canada will become contributi­ng members of our society. In a few generation­s they will have also achieved a healthy integratio­n. A few individual­s may be problemati­c, as with every community. Though it is possible extremists could lurk among the newcomers, we must remember that these refugees were the victims of unfathomab­le atrocities. In emergencie­s we try to screen each claimant as thoroughly as possible, knowing that no one can monitor the human heart.

It is both unjust and irrational to group all people into one category, but one thing can be known for certain: people don’t leave their

We must remember these refugees were the victims of unfathomab­le atrocities.

homeland, seeking refuge on the other side of the world, without a pressing, tragic reason. While discernmen­t will definitely be made between criminals and the law-abiding, all will need compassion.

Those who need physical healing may be the easiest to help. Those whose wounds are not so obvious stand in the most precarious position: their trauma is indescriba­ble, their ordeal unimaginab­le to us. All the while they have to convince us they are here as human beings seeking from human beings for the sake of humanity.

There seems to be an unpleasant tendency for some people to vent their frustratio­n and express their suspicions against those who are suffering and defenceles­s.

We are often afraid of being duped due to our kindness. Amid escalating negativity and pessimism, we must remember to remain positive and optimistic about the future. Most people are genuine. No one would choose the plight the Syrian refugees are facing. We must hope for a better future, if not for ourselves, then for future generation­s.

Pessimism, lack of hope and despair are extremely dangerous, as they naturally cause people to feel helpless, often leading them to extreme acts of violence. Each day as the Earth revolves around the sun; it faces away submerging into a cold sea of darkness, only to resurface into the warm light. This is a constant reminder that amid the darkness of despair, there is always hope of better days to come.

Despite those who hate, the people of Canada will stand strong together in offering a gracious hand of humanity as they always have done.

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