Ottawa Citizen

Health centres unite to aid Syrian refugees


Ottawa’s community health centres have joined forces to address the urgent health needs of the 1,024 Syrian refugees who have landed in the city.

The six community health centres and the Bruyère Family Medicine Centre have set up small medical clinics at three local hotels to screen the newcomers for immediate health issues, such as flu, infections, diabetes, high blood pressure and neglected chronic illnesses.

“They’re coming in and they’re presenting with illness right away, so instead of a panic call to CHEO, we’re getting our clinical staff to the hotels to do an immediate health interventi­on and stabilize things,” said Jack McCarthy, executive director of the Somerset West Community Health Centre and co-chair of the Refugee 613 Health Task Force.

In Ottawa, Syrian refugees are being temporaril­y housed at the Maison Sophia Reception House and at three local hotels until more permanent housing can be secured. About 60 per cent of the new arrivals are children.

Refugees with chronic conditions are being referred to one of three “hub clinics”: the Bruyère Family Medicine Centre and the Somerset West and Centretown community health centres. The hubs will provide ongoing care to the refugees while they wait to settle into new homes. The health centres will then work with the Ottawa Newcomer Health Centre to help them find family doctors.

More than 100 community health officials are expected to attend a meeting Thursday at Dominion Chalmers Church to discuss refugees health issues and how to best co-ordinate care.

It’s expected some Syrians will suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health problems after enduring years of war, loss and dislocatio­n. Experts believe it may take months for those issues to emerge among the population.

“What I’m hearing is that the mental health issues will surface more symptomati­cally later on down the line,” McCarthy said. “People are more concerned right now with where am I going to live, how am I going to get a job, how am I going to afford things? All that stuff is dominating right now, but we’ll be monitoring closely those mental health issues.”

The regional health authority, the Champlain LHIN, has agreed to pick up the $250,000 cost of staffing and supplying the refugee triage centres through the end of March. Ottawa Public Health is also working on scene to provide the refugees with key vaccines.

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