Ottawa Citizen

Sensible trade-off on the Saudi arms sale is to proceed with it

- WILLIAM WATSON William Watson teaches economics at McGill University.

Apart from the fact that it’s always delicious when the pious are taken down a notch, I’m having trouble getting worked up by the political theatre surroundin­g the Liberals’ decision not to cancel the $12-billion export of armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia.

Yes, the Trudeau government probably wouldn’t have sought such a contract had it been in power at the time. It might even have vetoed it if presented with it — though that’s not so obvious since politician­s from southweste­rn Ontario, where the vehicles are produced, would have been lobbying hard.

But the deal having been made, work having started, jobs having been lined up, and so on and so on, the Liberals have decided not to cancel it. Yes, it seems a violation of their principles — a plain fact it would be much better for them to admit rather than dance around — but unless you believe a principle can never, ever be violated, it makes perfect sense to weigh costs and benefits and conclude that for now principle loses. After all, $12 billion is $12 billion.

Spoken like an economist, you might say. Well, yes, we economists do have a penchant for weighing costs and benefits, though by no means just dollars and cents costs and benefits (or dollars and nickels, since we no longer have cents). Despite Edmund Burke (“the age of chivalry is gone, that of sophisters, economists and calculator­s has succeeded”) we’re also willing to consider, even if we can’t count, such things as reputation, selfrespec­t, morality and so on. But trade-offs are our business.

We have been down this road before, haven’t we? The Chrétien government got a bad press for downplayin­g human rights while seeking commercial deals with China. Stephen Harper initially took a tougher, more public stand, earning praise from many who had criticized Chrétien. But when the Chinese objected, the press turned on Harper and policy gradually evolved in the direction of expediency. “Kowtow” is, as it happens, a Chinese term.

Global Affairs Canada, which is not a consulting firm but the new name for our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, produces an annual report on exports of military goods from Canada. Not counting sales to the U.S., which aren’t tracked in this tabulation, such exports were $1.04 billion in 2012 and $681 million in 2013, the most recent two years for which data are available.

Saudi Arabia was our biggest buyer, even before this latest contract, at more than half a billion for the two years. The United Arab Emirates were second, at $281 billion, and the United Kingdom was third, at $192 billion. In total, we sold to 98 countries — albeit not much to some. In 2013, we sold just $33 worth to Guyana. (We’re clearly world leaders in military accountanc­y. What kind of military goods can you get for $33? A snappy beret? A belt with lanyard? Maybe a nice medal?)

Most of our sales went to NATO countries. But NATO has only 28 members. And beyond NATO, how many democracie­s are there? Not many. Among the 98 countries we sell arms to must be many with unsavoury regimes. For that matter, how many of the democracie­s behave in ways of which the Liberals fully approve? Given the much-tutted over-use of military surplus by U.S. police department­s, you could probably get an argument in some corners of caucus that we shouldn’t sell arms to the U.S., either.

One good and obvious reason to track and control arms exports is to be sure not to sell to Canada’s enemies. There’s a clear public interest and government role in doing so.

As for policing the morality of arms sales, maybe that’s not a decision we have to make collective­ly, through government. This government wants us to decide for ourselves whether and when to end our lives or consume marijuana. Perhaps it should also trust us with other important moral choices, including who we sell weapons to.

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