Ottawa Citizen

Donor found for ‘Stuntman’ Stu


Radio host and Ottawa Senators PA announcer “Stuntman” Stu Schwartz has revealed that he has found a bone marrow donor to help him in his battle against leukemia.

Schwartz gave the emotional update via social media Thursday morning, praising those who have given blood for his transfusio­ns since he announced Feb. 15 that he is battling cancer, and the anonymous donor who is helping to save his life.

“The transplant team here in Ottawa I have been working with since this whole thing started have found a donor,” he said.

“I don’t know who it is. I don’t know where they are from.

“Whoever this person is, somewhere in the world, you are saving my life,” said Schwartz, looking directly into the camera with teary eyes.

“And all I can say to that is thank you. I know my kids thank you. I know my wife thanks you … I am on the road to what I know is recovery.

“But I told you on Feb. 15 that we were going to beat this, and now that I am in remission we are halfway there.”

Schwartz explained the next couple of weeks will be challengin­g physically given that he will be going through a host of tests and procedures in preparatio­n for the bone marrow transplant that is expected to take place in early May.

“If you see me on the street, I may look a little beat up, but I’m OK,” he joked.

Shortly after his diagnosis Schwartz started the movement #stustrong, a fundraisin­g initiative with The Ottawa Hospital.

The fundraisin­g goal is $25,000. So far just over $9,000 has been raised for leukemia and stem cell research.

The site also lists fundraisin­g events and community initiative­s that involve #StuStrong.

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