Ottawa Citizen


Pee Challenge found 17 local cases of sexually transmitte­d infections


The World Record Pee Challenge at four Ottawa post-secondary campuses last spring found 17 cases of sexually transmitte­d infections, according to Ottawa’s public-health unit.

That makes students at the University of Ottawa, Carleton, Algonquin and La Cité pretty typical — which is to say that they’re much more likely than the average Ottawan to be carrying an STI and be spreading it around, at a time when sexually transmitte­d infections are already worryingly on the rise.

Back in March, the health unit sponsored its cheeky mass test for chlamydia and gonorrhea at the four campuses. Simple urine tests can detect the often symptomles­s bacterial infections, and the gimmick was to collect as many samples as possible in 24 hours. None of the individual campuses topped the world record of 502 tests in a day at one site, tragically, but between them they got 915 people to pee into cups.

The actual tests took several weeks, and turned up 15 cases of chlamydia and two of gonorrhea. “OPH’s case management team followed up with each, ensuring that cases and contacts received treatment, thereby reducing the risk of transmissi­on in our community,” spokeswoma­n Carly Wolff said this week.

The health unit, citing confidenti­ality, wouldn’t release campus-by-campus numbers, so there’s no telling whether one school is nastier than the others. But overall, rates of both infections were pretty close to the provincial and national numbers for people around age 20 — which are pretty high, compared with the rest of the population, and rising.

The health unit keeps monthly statistics. Chlamydia is the most common of the dozens of illnesses the health unit tracks. More than twice as many people have tested positive for chlamydia this year as got sick enough with the flu to be tested for influenza, to give you some perspectiv­e.

This year, the rate of chlamydia diagnoses in Ottawa is 330 per 100,000 people, which is about 10 per cent higher than last year’s rate to this point. The monthly stats don’t break the figures out by age, but it’s normal for the vast majority of cases to be among young adults — close to the roughly 1,600-per-100,000 rate of positive tests in the pee challenge.

For gonorrhea, the citywide rate so far this year is 38 cases per 100,000 people. Much lower, but up more than 50 per cent from last year. Among the pee-challenge participan­ts, the rate was about 220 per 100,000.

Both infections can cause complicati­ons all the way up to infertilit­y if they aren’t treated, and it’s possible to have either of them without realizing it. Luckily they’re both pretty easy to cure with antibiotic­s.

Most of the time, at least. Drug-resistant gonorrhea, in particular, is on the rise. Doctors are encounteri­ng cases of gonorrhea that don’t respond to standard antibiotic treatments and are worried that they’ll soon see cases that aren’t knocked out by any antibiotic­s at all. The more people are infected, the more bacteria get whacked with antibiotic­s, and the more likely the bugs are to evolve defences.

By far the best solution is to stop the spread. The most effective way to do that is for people not to have sex. More plausibly: condoms. But the effectiven­ess of safe-sex messages has trailed off, maybe because HIV, the great reaper of all sexually transmitte­d diseases, now has enough effective treatments that it doesn’t seem as terrifying as it once did. The distant threat of infertilit­y doesn’t focus the mind the same way as the prospect of dying.

It’s an internatio­nal phenomenon.

But as you’d expect, rates of new HIV infections are up in Ottawa, too, and so are new hepatitis C infections and syphilis. All spread by the same behaviours. These more alarming infections aren’t up a lot, but the arrows are all pointing in the wrong direction.

At least chickenpox and whooping cough are down this year versus last. Diphtheria, measles and rubella cases are steady at zero: hooray for vaccines. We’ve had one case of mumps. And no plague!

College and university campuses are bombarded with safe-sex messages, not to mention safesex supplies, and if the message isn’t getting through there, that’s bad news.

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