Ottawa Citizen

Bumblebee census has researcher­s buzzing


At a time when millions of people are outdoors chasing Pokémon characters, nature-lovers are asking us to get out there and count something real: bumblebees.

Many of the 40 or so Canadian varieties of bumblebees are doing just fine. But about one-third are in trouble, often for reasons that are murky. One, the rusty-patched bumblebee, was last seen in 2009 in Pinery Provincial Park, northeast of Sarnia.

The rules of the Great Canadian Bumble Bee Count are simple: Find a bumblebee, note the location and type of surroundin­gs, and upload a photo of it to the website of Bumble Bee Watch (bumblebeew­ where an expert will figure out what type it is. No bees are killed or even touched.

If enough people join in, there’s a good chance they will paint a picture of which of Canada’s bumblebees live where, and how common they are. Birders have been doing bird counts for this reason for more than a century.

Bea (she’s heard all the jokes, so don’t bother) Olivastri of Friends of the Earth says Canada needs informatio­n about bumblebees because they are native insects — unlike honeybees, which come from Europe — and they are important pollinator­s.

Unlike honeybees, bumblebees live in holes in the ground and they are fairly solitary. They’re rounder and furrier than honeybees, and mostly they just ignore people. And when one finds a flower, it does a funny, dance-like movement inside the blossom, shaking violently to loosen the pollen.

It’s called “buzz pollinatio­n” and it spreads a lot of pollen.

“You really want to have bumblebees around if you want to have great tomatoes,” Olivastri says.

A big part of the job of conserving them comes down to small-scale actions around our homes, and they don’t always fit the convention­al image of the perfect garden.

“We can be providing more bareearth surfaces. More wood, rocks, especially old rotting wood,” Olivastri said. “So not cleaning out. The manicured-garden approach should be changed to be providing a more hospitable habitat for them.”

They also like a mix of flowers so that one or another is blooming from spring through fall, because bumblebees are active for three seasons. (The queen lives through winter while the rest die.)

Another hint: If you have old raspberry canes or other plants with hollow stalks, it’s helpful not to clear those out too much in the fall.

“You may be composting bees,” because many species (and not just bumblebees) overwinter inside them.

Olivastri emphasizes “understand­ing that these wild bees are everywhere. There’s lots we can do in towns and cities. That’s the key for us.”

Any place with blooming flowers is usually a good bet for bumblebee spotting, but the Fletcher Wildlife Garden is considered a hotspot.

The bee count will continue over several years, although the main drive to collect observatio­ns this year ends Aug. 15. You won’t be turned down if you offer photos later, but by late August the bees are less active.

Bumble Bee Watch was founded by Wildlife Preservati­on Canada, York University, the University of Ottawa, the Montreal Insectariu­m and the Xerces Society.

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