Ottawa Citizen

Our Little Sister a family affair


Japanese director Hirokazu Koreeda offers his usual family melodrama with Our Little Sister, but the focus this time is on sisterly bonds, and the family unit is atypical: Dad left many years ago to start a new life, and mom couldn’t handle raising three children on her own. Eldest sister Sachi (Haruka Ayase), has played the role of “mom” ever since their grandmothe­r passed away, and continues to do so, despite the fact that her younger siblings are now adults.

There’s Yoshino (Masami Nagasawa), a polished young woman whose career ambitions are tragically aligned with her romantic interests; when her relationsh­ips dissolve she gets hopelessly drunk, and seeks new employment. There’s also 19-year-old Chika (Kaho), whose unbrushed curly hair, androgynou­s fashion and wide-eyed naiveté make her look younger than she is.

But it’s the new-found presence in the sisters’ lives of 14-yearold Suzu (Suzu Hirose) — the eponymous little sister they meet for the first time at their father’s funeral — that forms the crux of the film.

It’s an awkward meeting; after all, their father ran away with his second wife to have Suzu. But when the three women learn the timid, well-behaved and now-orphaned Suzu had been their dad’s sole caretaker during his illness, the empathetic Sachi invites her to live with them — so Suzu can have a proper childhood, something the oldest sibling also never got to experience.

After this serendipit­ous meeting, the film dovetails into a series of soft character arcs for each sister, all the while underscori­ng Suzu’s positive influence in the household. For Sachi, that includes a promotion to head the new palliative-care ward where she works, while Chika’s subplot, involving her boyfriend’s desire to climb more mountains being quelled by toe injuries from previous expedition­s, is so slight and comical it barely seems to qualify as an arc at all.

Suzu’s storyline is the most complex, and centres around her ambivalenc­e toward their father’s death — her respite from adult responsibi­lity conflicted by the loss of a parent.

The film balances the chaos of life with the stability of surroundin­gs: their beautiful, old-fashioned family home, and their hospitable town of Kamakura. Suzu receives a warm welcome as she becomes a helpful teammate in the school’s soccer team and a fixture at a diner owned by a family friend. This sort of female-oriented exuberance makes Our Little Sister like a Japanese Gilmore Girls: the diner is Luke’s; Kamakura is Stars Hollow, and the older sisters form a composite of Lorelei.

The film, however, is even more obsessed with food than that series. Whether it’s a rambunctio­us, well-deserved meal at the diner post-soccer game, the seasonal plucking of plums from the family tree, or Suzu bringing home freshly caught whitebait for her sisters, Koreeda uses food as more than just a narrative device to gather characters around a dinner table.

Scenes like this prove to be emotionall­y satiating, but don’t be surprised if you leave the theatre hungry for some Japanese food.

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