Ottawa Citizen

When flying, there’s no escaping the little people


When my son was nearly two years old, I flew with him to Windsor, Ont., to visit my grandfathe­r. Grandpa wasn’t able to travel on his own by then; he would live for only another yearand-a-half. He put his great-grandson onto the seat of his walker and gave him rides in the hallways of his apartment building.

I’ve been thinking about that trip a lot lately, as I read about the ridiculous trend of parents giving goody bags to the people around them on planes, to compensate for the annoyances created by their children. It’s dredged up a lot of comments online from people who think parents shouldn’t be flying with children at all.

Just how entitled do you have to feel to suggest someone should even weigh the benefits of an old man seeing his great-grandchild against the chance of a tantrum or a juice spill? Should I have taken more time off work so I could drive eight hours each way alone on the highway with a toddler in the back seat, instead of flying, just in case?

As it happened, my kid was an angel on that trip. But no parent can know in advance whether their kid might do something socially unacceptab­le, whether they can, in the words of the grumpy online commenters, “control their children.” Kids are unpredicta­ble, and they change.

This summer, I flew with the same kid, who is now six. He’d flown many times before without incident, and besides, he was old enough by then that he would happily sit quietly with a tablet or a book. On my long mental checklist of parenting things to worry about, his behaviour was mercifully low.

Not long after we got into the air, the people in front of us called a flight attendant over. But we were going through turbulence, so she asked if it was a safety issue. It wasn’t. Several minutes later, they called the flight attendant back. I didn’t pay much attention until I noticed the flight attendant glance at my kid and say, “Well, he’s not kicking now.”

Internally, I started swearing. At myself. Parental guilt is practicall­y a reflex by now. My kid had kicked someone’s seat, and I hadn’t noticed.

I hadn’t even put seat-kicking on my mental list of things that might go wrong. His legs had never been long enough before. For the first time in his life, his legs could touch the seatback in front of him — but not the floor — and he had no idea that where he was putting his feet was affecting anyone else.

We were both mortified. Nobody wants to be the reason someone calls over the flight attendant (although the attendant chose not to even speak to us, anyway). For the rest of the flight, I kept reminding him every time he squirmed his little legs in a way that might turn into an accidental seat kick.

Of course people don’t have to suffer any annoyance in silence. A little understand­ing and good humour can make all the difference. If the person in front had simply turned and said, “Excuse me, I wonder if you could ask your child to be careful not to kick my chair,” we both would have been much less nervous and ashamed.

But there’s something about air travel that seems to give people the impression that they’re owed a certain kind of experience along with their ticket, beyond being conveyed from one place to another. It may be a holdover from the early days of air travel.

Or perhaps it’s because commercial airplanes are the one mode of public transporta­tion that even well-off people have to take, save those at the top. Even first class isn’t out of baby-wail range.

Planes are the one place where you cannot keep away from people who may make socially inappropri­ate sounds or movements, from people who walk slowly or not at all, or who cry, or who become agitated.

Those people exist, and they have reasons to travel like everyone else. Get over it.

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