Ottawa Citizen

Family and friends of boy who drowned feel a ‘mix of emotion’


A cool steady breeze wafted across the shores of Constance Bay beach Sunday night as family and friends gathered to honour Maleak Thompson. The 10-year-old boy was swimming at the beach last Sunday when he drowned after falling into deep water.

Dahlia Salmon-Clarke, Maleak’s mother, broke down in tears as she walked up to a picture of her son perched on an easel on the sandy piece of beach known as The Point.

“Maleak, Maleak, Maleak,” Salmon-Clarke said as she collapsed in front of the display. “Oh God, why?”

Gazing out into the water was Anthony Clarke, Maleak’s father, as he walked slowly behind.

The family and relatives, numbering about 10 men and women dressed in dark clothing, were accompanie­d by a few dozen community members who gave out flowers, candles and hugs.

Kanata-Carleton MP Karen McCrimmon extended condolence­s to Maleak’s family and encouraged other vigil attendants to come forward to offer support.

“We’re here for you all, let’s all come together,” said McCrimmon, making a circle with her arms.

Standing at the now-infamous point that juts out into the water, the small crowd began singing Amazing Grace, as everyone bunched in together for a large group hug.

Friends of the family at the vigil described themselves as feeling a “mix of emotion.”

“We feel sadness, grief, anger. A tragedy like that could have been avoided,” said a family friend, referring to the lack of warning signs on the beach at the time of Maleak’s death.

Another family friend said he felt anger that it took a tragedy for a sign to be erected, referring to the new sign put up Friday that warns visitors of “sudden drop-offs in the river.”

“There wasn’t a sign there before and all of a sudden there is one now. For lack of a better expression, you’re a day late and a dollar short. That should have been up for a long time ago,” said the friend, who asked to remain unnamed.

“It takes a tragedy for this to happen, and that’s ridiculous,” he added.

After family and friends of Maleak left, McCrimmon hung around to thank community members for showing support that evening as the sun set.

“The love and support (SalmonClar­ke) felt here, I think, gave her that little boost of strength to make her way through this. I can’t imagine this kind of sorrow,” McCrimmon said.

 ?? PATRICK DOYLE ?? A teddy bear sits on the beach at Constance Bay on Sunday during a vigil for Maleak Thompson, 10, who drowned at this location.
PATRICK DOYLE A teddy bear sits on the beach at Constance Bay on Sunday during a vigil for Maleak Thompson, 10, who drowned at this location.

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