Ottawa Citizen

So many consultati­ons, but will public be heard?

Let’s see if any public suggestion­s are actually acted on by cabinet

- KADY O’MALLEY Kady O’Malley is a political columnist for the Ottawa Citizen.

Given the prime minister’s predilecti­on for plunging himself, occasional­ly-shirtless chest first, into the public arena, it should come as no surprise that the government he leads seems equally enthusiast­ic about kick-starting cross-country conversati­ons on pretty much every major — and a good number of relatively minor — issue that hits the policy radar.

From climate change to pot legalizati­on to where to hand out billions of dollars in infrastruc­ture funding, Team Trudeau claims to be keen to hear what Canadians have to say; the newly unified may need to add a new server cluster to keep up with the growing number of microsites dedicated to soliciting — and, in some cases, publicly sharing — their thoughts on how the now notso-newly-elected government should proceed.

The trouble with getting people to talk, of course, is that you have to listen, and when you’re constantly proclaimin­g your openness and transparen­cy, that means being upfront about what you’ve been told, even — and, in fact, arguably especially — if it turns out entirely different than you had expected.

So far, most of those consultati­ons are still in progress, so we haven’t yet got to see how much of the public response is relayed back to the public when a final decision is made, or what happens when the consensus settles around a preferred outcome at odds with what the government had been laying the groundwork to adopt.

The Conservati­ves, meanwhile, may live to regret taking the opposite approach to one particular­ly contentiou­s subject on the consultati­on roster this summer: According to the online calendar on the government website, just two Tory MPs — Bruce Stanton and Marilyn Gladu — have taken Democratic Institutio­ns Minister Maryam Monsef up on her suggestion to hold electoral reform town halls in their respective ridings, although interestin­gly, Gladu seems to be the only one requiring attendees to provide proof of residency to attend.

It’s not hard to guess why most of the Conservati­ve caucus appears to have turned up its collective nose at Monsef ’s proposed template: The party has made it clear that it believes the only way to truly gauge the view of the electorate on the issue is to hold a formal referendum.

Even so, that does not automatica­lly exclude the possibilit­y of holding town hall sessions as well, if only to bolster the case for a countrywid­e vote.

There is, after all, a limit to how many times one can cite the same thundering­ly proreferen­dum op-eds or point to past polling results without it starting to look like you, too, are wary of checking in with the voting public out of fear that public opinion may have shifted in the interim.

It may also lead to what will be, from the Conservati­ve perspectiv­e, a glaring gap in the report that the special committee on electoral reform will present to Parliament later this fall, which is expected to include summaries from those town hall sessions that each and every MP was invited to convene, an offer that it appears was taken up. albeit with varying degrees of eagerness, by every caucus but the Conservati­ves.

That may not fuss true blue Tory supporters, but it might make it trickier to persuade those not already ideologica­lly invested in the fight for a referendum — and, by extension, to preserve the first-past-the-post status quo — to join the battle, which is crucial if they actually want to force the Liberals to put their proposed plan to the people before making the change.

(It could also provide a handy comeback for advocates of proportion­al representa­tion when facing off against FPTP loyalists lamenting the potential loss of the “direct link” between the electorate and the elected, but that’s really more of a party trick that only the truly obsessed would appreciate.)

In any case, the clock is steadily ticking down on the Liberals’ self-imposed deadline for tabling legislatio­n to, in the words of Trudeau himself, make the 2015 election “the last” to be held under the current system. When they do, we’ll see how closely it matches the tone and substance of what was said at all those town hall sessions, and whether their commitment to public consultati­ons stops at the cabinet door.

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