Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa helped found the NHL — how dare they steal our outdoor game?

- KELLY EGAN To contact Kelly Egan, please call 613-726-5896 or email kegan@ kellyeganc­olumn

It is nothing short of outrageous the NHL is considerin­g yanking the outdoor hockey game from Ottawa in 2017.

Then again, this is the league that thinks Las Vegas is a better “ice hockey” market than Quebec City and pays Gary Bettman something approachin­g $10 million a year. What do I know?

Well, this: The NHL was formed in 1917 with four charter cities, only three of which played that first season: Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. Charter, as in founding.

The league has already announced Toronto is getting a Centennial Classic on Jan. 1, 2017. Great. So that leaves two other cities, unless the league does something insulting like move a 100th-anniversar­y game to an American city with no hockey history.

OK, so the Parliament Hill proposal fell apart.

(On that note, are we to believe the work of Parliament would suddenly cease because there’s a hockey game on Dec. 19, 2017, a Tuesday, out on the lawn for three hours? They’re not Santa’s elves. They’re politician­s who sit at little desks and break early for Christmas. Will the House even be sitting? Is the Parliament­ary precinct not one giant constructi­on zone, anyway? Why not reduce the size of the temporary stands, if that’s an issue? Security? There are piles of guys standing around the Centre Block with giant guns. This is the centennial of the most culturally entwined game and league in Canada. What’s wrong with these people? It is so like government to find 100 reasons why “Do nothing” is the best option. Infuriatin­g.)

We’ve got 13 months before puck drop. Surely, that’s enough time for Plan B.

A couple of reasons why we deserve the game, historical facts that should mean everything.

It is called the Stanley Cup because of Lord Stanley, an Etoneducat­ed man, son of a British prime minister, and Canada’s sixth governor general (18881893). Of course, he lived in Ottawa, where he was an avid outdoorsma­n and, with 10 children, possibly an avid indoorsman. No matter. He and Lady Stanley were great fans of hockey, then in its early days, and thought there should be a challenge cup created for the best team in Canada.

On March 18, 1892, Lord Stanley sent a message to a sports banquet held at the Russell Hotel — yes, here in Ottawa — about his modest proposal.

“I have for some time past been thinking that it would be a good thing if there were a challenge cup which should be held from year to year by the champion hockey team in the Dominion.”

He ordered one made in London for the equivalent of $50. The Stanley Cup was born. And 125 years later, are we still not celebratin­g the moment, and the artifact itself, with a new monument on the Sparks Street Mall? Yes, in Ottawa.

The NHL was a disorganiz­ed affair when it began in 1917. There were squabbles aplenty among owners, contract disputes with players, the small matter of the First World War, and the aftershock­s of the Halifax Explosion, not yet two weeks old.

But Dec. 19 saw the first game here (yes, in Ottawa) between the Ottawa Senators and the Montreal Canadiens.

Led by the wonderfull­y named captain, Newsy Lalonde, Montreal won 7-4, before a crowd estimated at just under 6,000 in a long-gone arena on Laurier Avenue.

Six thousand people, in a brand new league, in 1917? You bet we took to hockey early. The newspapers loved it, calling the race for the cup the “outstandin­g feature” in Canadian sport.

“Though Ottawa Regulars Came on and Made Plucky Effort to Overcome it. Nearly Six Thousand People Saw “Flying Frenchmen” Win by 7 to 4,” read the Citizen’s game account. The Habs, by the way, had a netminder named Vézina. Fellas like Art Ross and Frank Calder were regularly in the papers, building this new national league.

The Senators finished 9-13 that first year, the Montreal Wanderers had to cut the season short when their arena burned down, and the Toronto Arenas won the NHL’s first Stanley Cup. So it was a year of fire and ice.

Really, is there even an NHL if Ottawa isn’t there to help lay the foundation? Of course we deserve a centennial outdoor game.

Surely there is an important role for Mayor Jim Watson to play. Clear the craft-show schedule, Worship; cancel the ribboncutt­ings; if necessary, enlist Jim Durrell. Put Melnyk on speed dial. Throw money at somebody. Give the Sens a city venue, free. Give them LeBreton Flats, free.

This has to work. To us the torch is thrown. Let’s not drop the damn thing.

 ??  ?? Ottawa’s Lord Stanley was the founder of the Stanley Cup.
Ottawa’s Lord Stanley was the founder of the Stanley Cup.
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