Ottawa Citizen


- CHRISTIE BLATCHFORD National Post cblatchfor­

Now, for as long as there have been newspapers, there have been grammarian­s, those preoccupie­d with language and its proper usage, who write stern corrective­s to newspapers. Those of us in the business are accustomed to these missives, and alternatel­y bemused and grateful for them.

But there’s a new sort of letter in town. I got two of them this week.

“You should not use the term ‘shrill’ when referencin­g a woman’s voice,” the first said. “It’s sexist and misogynist. Please stop. Use unbiased, non-discrimina­tory language in future. Thank you.”

The complaint was in reference to a story I wrote about Xiu Jin Teng, an accused murderer who is representi­ng herself at trial in the downtown Toronto court.

Teng had spent this particular day shrieking at the judge, and though I mostly adhered to the advice of Stephen King in On Writing and used the verb “said,” I occasional­ly weakened, and for the reason King suggested: “When I do it, it’s usually for the same reason any writer does it: because I’m afraid the reader won’t understand me if I don’t.”

As I sought to capture the grating, aggressive tone of Teng’s voice and manner of delivery, I should have simply said, she may be acquitted of first-degree murder, but she’s clearly guilty of fishwifery.

In any case, I wrote my correspond­ent back to say, “I was there, and my language is neither misogynist nor sexist. It’s accurate.”

The second note was in response to a couple of stories about a B.C. private school teacher who was fired last month, it appears, for having made an innocuous comment about abortion to his Grade 12 law class.

The teacher was trying to illustrate that one’s private morality may differ from the state of the law, and among the examples he offered was that he, for instance, thought abortion was wrong, but the law says something else. A student took offence, said she was “triggered” and felt “unsafe” and demanded an apology.

This reader wanted to know how I knew the comment was innocuous and if I had spoken “to the young minor woman who was made to feel unsafe by the comment? You should be very careful when choosing adjectives. Adjectives reveal biases.”

She signed off as “the mother of three minor daughters and a minor son whose safety is my first priority.”

What fun it must be to be a member of that household is what I thought, but replied, with terse politeness, that I said it was innocuous because it was — the teacher hadn’t ranted — and that I imagined the ordinary Grade 12 student is capable of hearing such a thing and not melting down.

These letters were preceded by a column by another newspaper’s public editor, who received critical comments from readers about the paper’s coverage of the slaying of Dr. Elana Fric Shamji, a beloved family doctor whose husband, neurosurge­on Mohammed Shamji, is now charged with her murder.

The editor’s readers were enraged by what they saw as gender imbalance in the stories, with the newspaper accused of “humanizing” the alleged killer (by noting his accomplish­ments as a surgeon) and playing down the victim’s.

The editor defended the coverage — and the paper had been fair — but cleverly hung her shingle on the accused man’s background being important because it contribute­s “to our understand­ing of … why and how violence against women can happen to anyone.”

Really? Are there still people who don’t know this?

But that was just one piece of the reaction.

A woman started a change. org petition, addressed to “the news media” and taking the press to task for interviewi­ng Shamji’s former patients who lamented the loss of his surgical skills. “His work should be a footnote in these stories, if it is even mentioned at all,” reads the petition preamble. “Where are the stories about Dr. Fric’s patients? About the gap left behind by losing HER?”

As of Wednesday, more than 1,100 people had signed the thing.

And then, also this week, came news that Newfoundla­nd and Labrador Finance Minister Cathy Bennett has faced body shaming, death threats and suggestion­s she kill herself since taking office — becoming, as The Canadian Press story said, “the latest woman in Canadian politics speaking out against intense cyber abuse.”

Some of the comments were allegedly so vile that Bennett invited just female reporters to a little briefing she held on the matter. She wasn’t comfortabl­e having that discussion for the first time with men in the room, she said.

I don’t disagree that female politician­s, and any woman remotely in public life, face unusually nasty online commentary. But men get it too, if perhaps less savagely.

Everyone does, and the stuff sometimes comes from surprising quarters; I never received such vicious garbage (including the frequently repeated wish that I, too, would get cancer) as I did about a column I wrote on former NDP leader Jack Layton’s death. The gentle souls of the left, roused to action, made the bullies on the right look kindly.

That’s not the point, which is that I don’t know how many women manage to get through doorways these days, the chips on their shoulders are so enormous.

Not everything is a misogynist plot. Not everything is worth a lecture. What I want for Christmas is that we should, in the immortal words of my favourite reserve regiment, the Argyll and Sutherland Highlander­s, harden the f--- up.

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