Ottawa Citizen

No records set, but we’re Canada’s third-snowiest city


This winter, the Citizen’s Tom Spears looks at what makes our coldest season tick. It’s a series we call The Science of Winter, and today we searched around for a topic until somebody looked out the window and noticed all that snow. Canada’s favourite weatherman was laughing Friday. Gleeful is not too strong a word.

“We live in a condo,” David Phillips said, and he hasn’t had to shovel a single flake. “Those days are gone!”

So, we asked hopefully, are we setting any snow records? (Newspapers love stories about setting records.)

No, it turns out. But then Phillips, who is Environmen­t Canada’s senior climatolog­ist, started digging through numbers. Here’s what he came up with:

A lot of snow has fallen, but not nearly a record.

Phillips added the snowfall as of Friday morning to what’s forecast through Saturday, the final day of 2016. That gave him a working estimate of 131 centimetre­s through December — a lot more than the average for Dec. 31 (77 cm).

Of this year’s total, 94 cm fell in December.

But this ranks only eighth on the long-term snowfall list. The record belongs to 2001, when we had 180.8 cm of snow through December. And that was the year when Ottawa went on to have 432.7 cm over the entire winter, missing the all-time record “by a snowflake,” in Phillips’s words.

It’s still the biggest snowfall in nine years.

Ottawa hasn’t received this much snow since the end of 2007. This alters our perception.

“Often that drives the thinking,” he says.

We’re influenced by what happened last year and the year before, and when we get a dollop after years of having less snow, “we start thinking: Gee, have I ever seen that before?”

The snow this year has been dramatic when it did fall.

“Certainly, when it has fallen, it has seemed like heavy amounts,” Phillips said.

Ottawa has had 11 days this year with at least five cm of snow. The normal number by this date is five such days.

We’ve had seven days with at least 10 cm of snow. The norm is two such days.

“So when it has chosen to snow, it’s been a heavier dump.”

Snow on the ground is the second-deepest on record.

Phillips: “The other thing I found interestin­g is that you’ve been able to keep the snow.”

Snow depth is measured once a day, at 7 a.m. Someone walks around with a ruler and sticks it into several different spots, then works out an average.

Again Phillips did a little extrapolat­ing, figuring that with the snow still to fall late Friday and Saturday, we’ll likely wake up on New Year’s Day to about 55 cm. The deepest Jan. 1 snow on record was in 2001 (at 63 cm), so we’ll either be in second place this year, or close to it, depending on the final hours of 2016. The records date from 1955.

And the depth has stayed consistent. On Dec. 18, Ottawa passed 40 cm on the ground. Since then, the daily depths have stayed between 39 and 47 cm, with the forecast now rising into the 50s.

We’re snowier than any city in Canada except Gander and SeptIles.

“So that gives you the image that, my gosh, we’re stuck in a snowbank and we just can’t get rid of it,” Phillips said. “That maybe is giving the impression that this has been hanging around a long time.

“I often say the temperatur­e gives you the feel of winter, but the snow gives you the look of winter.”

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