Ottawa Citizen

Trump’s actions spell trouble for Ontario PCs

Tories deeply divided over U.S. president’s approach

- BRIAN PLATT Brian Platt is the deputy digital editor for the Ottawa Citizen. Previously, he was based at Queen’s Park as a policy reporter.

Are these tumultuous early days of President Donald Trump’s term a rough start that will eventually calm down, or the first signs of an eventual impeachmen­t? It’s too soon to tell, though it’s remarkable that these outcomes seem equally likely. But if it wasn’t obvious enough before he took office, the enormous controvers­ies over Trump’s actions have made it clear Canadian politician­s will frequently be put on the spot to respond.

This most prominentl­y plays out on the federal scene, of course. But Trump’s actions will significan­tly affect Ontario’s politics as well, especially in the run-up to a scheduled election next year.

On the economic question, Trump is a wild card. Some have advanced the theory that Trump’s promises to scrap regulation­s, cut corporate taxes and hold out on carbon pricing are bad news for Ontario’s competitiv­eness. That may well turn out to be true, but given the chaos of Trump’s first two weeks in office, the political stability of Canada and Ontario must look pretty attractive right now.

In terms of politics, Trump is a useful foil for Premier Kathleen Wynne. The Liberals love their foils: Wynne’s team made sure everyone knew about her battles with Stephen Harper, and, now with Kevin O’Leary. For every move Trump makes that draws widespread condemnati­on, expect to see Wynne drawing very public comparison­s with how she sees things.

When it comes to Patrick Brown and the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves, things get more interestin­g. Anyone who pays close attention to Brown can see he’s no fan of Trump, but he’s careful in expressing it. Speaking to the Ottawa Citizen’s editorial board after Trump’s victory, Brown said he purposeful­ly stayed silent during the U.S. campaign.

“There were moments that I would have loved to express perspectiv­e,” he said. “But I didn’t, because Ontario is going to have to deal with whoever is in the U.S. administra­tion.”

Brown has already slightly moved from that position. He was among the political leaders over the weekend who responded to Trump’s travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries, posting on Twitter his support for refugees coming “from around the world” to Ontario. It was met (as is almost everything Brown posts online) with rage from the vocal segment of his party’s base that sees him as too mushy and centrist.

The support for Trump within the PCs doesn’t just come from a few shouty Twitter accounts. During the Ottawa-Vanier byelection in the fall, two senior PC party organizers (including the campaign manager for candidate André Marin) posted a photo on Twitter of themselves with Trump signs, writing “We Canadians love Trump.” The tweet was hastily deleted, but the Liberals circulated it widely in the riding, and Marin blamed it in part for his defeat.

And just a few weeks ago, PC MPP Monte McNaughton was writing open letters to Wynne that praised Trump’s “game-changing progrowth agenda,” calling on her to make similar moves here.

So Trump has a constituen­cy in the PC party, just as he has a constituen­cy in the Ontario population at large. Brown would rather not stoke these divisions, but if Trump continues down the path of radically changing U.S. policy on refugees, Muslims, cross-border trade, climate change and other areas that inevitably affect Canada, staying silent becomes a statement in itself.

This is all part of the larger battle for the soul of the PC party as it develops its campaign platform. That battle is still being fought, for example, over climate change action; Brown has declared support for carbon pricing, but you sure wouldn’t know it from the way PC MPPs attack cap-and-trade’s impact on gas prices. If Trump keeps provoking global outrage and protests, Brown’s response will be a huge test of the values his party chooses to stand for as it campaigns for votes.

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