Ottawa Citizen

Just like President Trump, Uber CEO Kalanick feeling the fallout of his policies


If the 45th president of the U.S. decides to adopt another kid, he might as well make it Uber chief executive Travis Kalanick. Oh, I know, what use does he have for yet one more squirrelly, moneyhungr­y, rules-are-for-other-people, thin-skinned sycophant?

As you might have noticed, that country is at a turning point, and a pitch point, in history. Never before has such a spotlight been shone on the inner workings and inherent weaknesses of the system so many took for granted, regardless of which party was having a turn at the wheel.

Now, with a merry band of plunderers kicking everybody else out of the room and bolting the door so they can play with all the toys, America will see just what President 45 is capable of unleashing, abetted by those happy to go look for kindling to add to the fire that 45 prepares to play his fiddle beside.

But why am I picking on poor old Travis, again? Because it’s just too easy. Uber and I go back a long way; I’ve hated it since it launched, breaking rules, treating its drivers like crap, putting profits ahead of people at every single turn, yet pretending it is an industry leader. It has a good cellphone applicatio­n. That’s it. As a principled business, it left its muddy shoes on and marched right into your city.

When 45 unleashed yet another round of unconstitu­tional edicts barring Muslims from entering a country when they’d had prior clearance, leaving them stranded at airports, the New York City Taxi Drivers Alliance staged a one-hour work stoppage to JFK airport in support of the demonstrat­ion. You may have noticed those demonstrat­ions; they happened all over the U.S. at every major airport. Hey 45, seems like every gathering is bigger than your inaugurati­on was.

Those taxi drivers formed yet another link in the chain of resistance to the tyranny forming to the south that isn’t even bothering to pretend it’s anything else. When a president, even a puppet one, signs off on made-up laws with no congressio­nal oversight and with no view to adhering to the law, he doesn’t get to be president anymore: He gets to be King.

So Uber, of course, being made up of drivers who represent such a cross-section of the cities they flourish in, did the only smart thing: It scabbed out those drivers. Instead of seeing a viable moment to stand in solidarity with millions around the U.S., its chief executive, Travis Kalanick, saw an opportunit­y to profit. He promoted his service with a Tweet (“Surge pricing has been turned off at #JFK Airport. This

Many of us will be using economic sanctions of our own; we learned them from government­s, and they work.

may result in longer wait times. Please be patient.”), which he later apologized for.

It was too late. The hashtag #DeleteUber dominated the social media sphere within minutes.

And remember, that is the place that places like Uber live, and stumble. The actions of 45 have unleashed a sleeping giant of an electorate that perhaps realized too little, too late, but have realized, nonetheles­s.

Many of us will be using economic sanctions of our own; we learned them from global government­s, and they work. Like those that 45 is about to lift from his buddy Putin.

I’m sure Kalanick was giddy from getting to be on the White House business advisory group. But after the overwhelmi­ng pressure applied by the #DeleteUber campaign — according to the New York Times, more than 200,000 people deleted their Uber accounts — Kalanick announced he was stepping down from the President’s Advisory Council.

“Immigratio­n and openness to refugees is an important part of our country’s success and, quite honestly, to Uber’s,” he said in a statement to employees.

Kalanick and Uber can backpedal all they like. I hope those who deleted them, keep them deleted. And I think they might. And I hope others on that council have a more encompassi­ng world view than Uber.

Lyft, on the other hand, Uber’s chief competitor in most markets, pivoted in an instant and made a million-dollar donation to the American Civil Liberties Union. Is it a business tactic? Sure it is. But Uber performed one kind of business tactic — side with those with money — while Lyft did another by siding with those making history.

I don’t actually believe Lyft’s action is any less about capitalizi­ng on the situation as it unfolded, but it is savvier. Now if only all ridesharin­g companies treated their drivers more fairly, maybe even I would stop ragging on them.

 ?? JEFF CHIU/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? More than 200,000 people deleted their Uber accounts, according to the New York Times, after CEO Travis Kalanick promoted the ride-sharing service while taxi drivers at JFK airport were staging a work stoppage to protest the travel ban imposed by U.S....
JEFF CHIU/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES More than 200,000 people deleted their Uber accounts, according to the New York Times, after CEO Travis Kalanick promoted the ride-sharing service while taxi drivers at JFK airport were staging a work stoppage to protest the travel ban imposed by U.S....

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