Ottawa Citizen

Military urged to act before ‘tragedy happens’


While the group is not officially affiliated with the army, it operates with the knowledge and support of commanders, army officers say.

Salloum told the Citizen that a number of army personnel and veterans were alleged to have been involved in cyberbully­ing, but that “to the best of the Army’s knowledge,” the alleged bullying stopped after changes were made to the Facebook group. Those changes included having a new moderator preview comments before they were posted. In addition, Brig.-Gen. David Patterson, deputy commander of the Canadian Army’s 4 Division, made a plea for the parties to get along.

Millman also warned in one of his emails that some members of the 32 CBG Veterans Wellbeing Network group continued to bash injured veterans on other private online forums, and other former soldiers have emailed the Citizen to point out the harassment is continuing at other online locations.

According to Millman, who declined to comment for this article, the hostilitie­s within the Facebook group appeared to start after some of the group’s members seemed to align themselves with the Conservati­ve government. Some of those serving soldiers on the site attacked anyone who questioned Conservati­ve policy or criticized the Harper government for not doing enough for injured veterans. In addition, officials from the office of then-veterans affairs minister Erin O’Toole were invited to join the group as observers.

In an August interview with the Citizen, Craig Hood, a sergeant with the Queen’s Own Rifles and an Afghanista­n veteran who created the Facebook page, said the invitation to O’Toole’s staff was not political and was for intended to help veterans by allowing the minister to better understand issues. “We have to remain apolitical because the primary users of the network are the servants of the government,” said Hood. (Just before the past federal election, however, Hood tweeted via his personal Twitter account a message stating Justin Trudeau was “just not ready.”)

Hood acknowledg­ed that in some online posts he had referred to certain veterans as “irrelevant little s---s,” referring to one as “couch potato,” another as “poser boy” and another suffering from stress as a “whacko vet.” In other cases, the obscenity-filled postings were aimed at veterans, both injured or otherwise, at other sites.

In a comment posted to the National Post’s website last year, Hood also denounced prominent veterans’ advocate Sean Bruyea, who suffers from PTSD, as well as another injured veterans advocate, Mike Blais, “as morons.”

But Hood said he made the comments while defending himself against online attacks; that he has never engaged in cyberbully­ing, and is in fact himself a victim of cyberbully­ing by others.

In the August interview, Hood said he stood by his various comments and had support for his actions from his commanders. “I’m an infantry sergeant and I speak the language I speak,” said Hood, who also added that he suffers from an operationa­l stress injury.

However in a new statement released Feb. 6 through an army public affairs officer, Hood told the Citizen he now pays more attention to what he posts online and “looking back, I regret some of the posts that I published.”

Bruyea, who said he hadn’t heard of Hood until he found himself targeted on the National Post’s website, told the Citizen the issue of cyberbully­ing against veterans is greater than any one Facebook group. “It’s time for military commanders to start taking this seriously before some tragedy happens,” he said.

Salloum said the army does not tolerate harassment of any sort and takes any such allegation­s very seriously. But, he said, the army is a large institutio­n and it can be challengin­g to monitor the online presence of several thousand soldiers.

Shortly after receiving the statement from the army that it believed it had the cyberbully­ing issue under control, the Citizen received an anonymous email warning against publishing this article. “Publish at your peril,” read the email, which appeared to have originated with a Toronto-area server.


 ?? DARREN BROWN / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES ?? Prominent veterans’ advocate Sean Bruyea says cyberbully­ing against veterans is greater than any one Facebook group and wants military commanders to take the issue of cyberbully­ing seriously.
DARREN BROWN / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES Prominent veterans’ advocate Sean Bruyea says cyberbully­ing against veterans is greater than any one Facebook group and wants military commanders to take the issue of cyberbully­ing seriously.

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