Ottawa Citizen

CSIS forced to divulge terror intel

Judge orders records on informant turned over in ISIL-cluster case


An Ontario Superior Court judge has ordered Canada’s spy agency to reveal its secret records — including financial dealings — about a prized agent who was paid to infiltrate an ISIL network in Ottawa.

It’s a decision that could give the public rare insight into the inner workings of the Canadian Security Intelligen­ce Service — from how they recruited an informant, to how they tested his reliabilit­y, to how much they paid him for his intel.

The court order comes after a successful applicatio­n by Solomon Friedman, the lawyer defending accused terrorism financier and recruiter Awso Peshdary, 27.

While the criminal charges against Peshdary stem from an RCMP investigat­ion, the defence lawyer fought for the secret records from CSIS because the paid agent — Abdullah Milton — previously worked for the spy agency from 2011 to 2013. Milton had been recruited to spy on Peshdary.

Milton was then used as an asset by the RCMP and paid at least $800,000 to spy on one-time friends in an anti-terrorism investigat­ion that yielded criminal charges against a network in Ottawa, including three targets who have already pleaded guilty.

CSIS lawyers fought to keep its records secret but Justice Julianne Parfett forced them to hand over the files. She will now review the material and decide what the defence can and can’t see.

That informatio­n will be vital to Friedman, who argued that without full disclosure of all CSIS documents he is essentiall­y “blindfolde­d” from meaningful cross-examinatio­n of Milton.

The credibilit­y and reliabilit­y of Milton, the star witness in the Crown case against Peshdary, will be key issues at the terrorism trial scheduled for 2018.

Friedman argued the records should be disclosed because Milton isn’t a protected source, but rather a paid police agent who has waived his privacy privilege and has agreed to testify against Peshdary at trial.

Friedman also said he intends to question the agent’s motives, ranging from financial to whether he was a neutral observer or an active participan­t in the terror network.

Milton has said that he fell into the spy business by accident. He said that in January 2011 CSIS visited him after he posted photos he took of Parliament Hill as a tourist.

He went on to work for CSIS, but the details of his contract have never been made public.

When the Mounties were investigat­ing Peshdary in 2013, they moved to expand their probe to include one of his associates — Milton — not knowing that he was actually a CSIS agent. CSIS then cut its ties with Milton and handed him over to the RCMP in 2014.

Milton’s work is credited for conviction­s against terror twins Ashton and Carlos Larmond, and Suliman Mohamed, who pleaded guilty in August to plotting to leave the country to join ISIL.

The case against Peshdary is also anchored in the same agent’s spy work. Peshdary has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

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