Ottawa Citizen

Inmate was on waiting list for Royal before his suicide


A mentally ill inmate was on a waiting list for a bed at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre when he hanged himself in his Ottawa jail cell.

Cleve “Cas” Geddes had been ordered to undergo the 30-day psychiatri­c assessment on Jan. 31, but was still in the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre eight days later. The 30-year-old hanged himself in his protective-custody cell on Feb. 8 and died after two days on life support in the intensive care unit of The Ottawa Hospital. It was the third suicide at the jail in 10 months.

Geddes was next on the waiting list to be admitted to the secure assessment unit at the hospital and “never made it to The Royal,” according to the doctor in charge of the forensic program at the mental health hospital.

That isn’t good enough for his grieving mother, who can’t understand how he was allowed to remain in jail when a prosecutor, duty counsel, mental health worker and a judge were able to recognize that Geddes needed a mental health assessment.

“It almost makes it worse,” Pirie Geddes said of knowing her son was next to be moved to the hospital. “It’s a total tragedy, as the whole thing has been.”

Dr. A.G. Ahmed, the associate chief of the integrated forensic program at the Royal, said the 23 beds in Ottawa and three beds in Brockville were full when Geddes was ordered to undergo his assessment. Another inmate was on a court-ordered treatment order that took priority over Geddes, Ahmed said.

Ahmed said the hospital was attempting to get a female patient in the assessment unit moved to another bed to make room for Geddes when he attempted suicide.

Geddes, who had been diagnosed with schizophre­nia, according to his mother, was in custody after allegedly threatenin­g to kill three people and assaulting a police officer while resisting arrest. He was arrested the day before he was ordered to undergo the psychiatri­c assessment to assess whether he could be held criminally responsibl­e.

Ahmed said an assessment for criminal responsibi­lity retroactiv­ely examines whether a person knew right from wrong, didn’t have the capacity to appreciate their actions or wasn’t in control of their behaviour because of their mental illness at the time the offence was committed.

It is different from a fitness assessment, which is ordered when a court believes a person is so actively unwell that they don’t understand or can’t participat­e in the criminal court process, Ahmed said. In those cases, a judge may make an order forcing a person to accept treatment.

“A treatment order takes precedent over criminal responsibi­lity,” said Ahmed, explaining why Geddes was forced to wait in custody. “While the question of criminal responsibi­lity is important, it does not carry the same immediacy of somebody who requires a forced treatment under the Criminal Code.”

However, Ahmed said the jail had the authority to send Geddes to a regular hospital’s psychiatri­c ward immediatel­y if his mental health had deteriorat­ed to the point where he needed an immediate assessment. He added that Geddes was being treated by mental health staff at the jail, and had been told by both psychiatri­c and psychology staff at the jail that he’d be moving to the hospital as soon as a bed opened up.

But Geddes’ mother believes her son shouldn’t have been in jail in the first place. She said he had been off his medication­s for months and was struggling with his illness. He saw a mental health worker from Renfrew’s mental health crisis team twice a week and regularly attended programmin­g they offered, according to his mother. Geddes was also to undergo a further psychologi­cal assessment to determine if his mental illness extended beyond his schizophre­nia, she said.

Geddes said her son’s situation was made worse by the fact that he couldn’t call her. Geddes said she only has a cellphone, and inmates can only make collect calls to landlines, which neither she nor Geddes’ sister have.

“I think he’d be alive today if he could have called me,” Geddes said. “He could not communicat­e, except to them, and I question if they really didn’t believe him or understand.”

She said she last spoke to Cas the day before his suicide attempt, thanks to the help of a sergeant at the jail. Geddes said Cas sounded “scared” and “like he was just holding it together.”

There was no mention of suicidal thoughts when she talked to him on the phone.

“He has at other times wanted to end his life but I’ve talked him through it,” said his mother.

Geddes said she was told by the sergeant that her son had been seen by mental health staff at the detention centre and everything was OK.

“They got some psychiatri­c people at the jail to go and check him out and see what they thought, but they just thought he was OK and didn’t want to be there,” she said. There was no mention of him being on suicide watch, she said.

A task force that examined conditions inside the jail has recommende­d that the phone system be changed to allow inmates to use calling cards to phone cellphones. Geddes said she believes that the current system has to change to protect others in a similar situation to her son.

The same task force also called for the creation of a dedicated mental health unit in the jail. According to the most recent progress report, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correction­al Services said that it is in the design process for the mental health unit. The ministry said it is still working to improve the phone system.

Ahmed said he can appreciate the mother’s frustratio­n, but doesn’t believe it is a resource issue at the hospital. He said Geddes’ case is a sad example of the need for a dedicated mental health unit at the jail.

Michael Davies, an Ottawa lawyer who specialize­s in mental-disorder law, said the waiting period in Ottawa for a bed can range from a day or two to weeks or more.

“Ideally, everybody would go off the same day an order is made,” Davies said. “But we have to be realistic and recognize there are competing demands for resources. On the other hand, you can’t let it get to the point that people are simply warehoused in the jails waiting for a bed to become available.”

Davies said he doesn’t believe jail is an appropriat­e place for the mentally ill, but judges often don’t have many options. Solutions to get the mentally ill out of jail will take time and money, he said.

“A judge doesn’t have the luxury of waiting for long-term options to come to bear; the judge has to deal with the reality as it exists,” Davies said. “In many situations, the judge has no option but to put the person in jail, waiting on the bed.”

There is a bed registry that lists other available beds across the province to help ease the backlogs, Ahmed said.

 ??  ?? Cleve “Cas” Geddes
Cleve “Cas” Geddes

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