Ottawa Citizen

Freeland has nothing to be ashamed of

Moscow is happy to spout the big lie against any critic, Lubomyr Luciuk says.

- Lubomyr Luciuk teaches political geography at the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston.

I’ve heard it all before. It was fake news then and still is. Allegation­s about “Nazis in Canada” — the most recent regurgitat­ion targeting Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland — have circulated for decades.

Understand­ably, just after the war’s end, Jewish Canadians were alarmed at the prospect of “Ukrainian Nazis” escaping justice by posing as Displaced Persons. In response, the Liberal government initiated high-level inquiries, ensuring no such villains resettled here. Yet claims about “thousands of Nazi war criminals hiding in Canada” resurfaced in the early 1980s, resulting in a Conservati­ve government establishi­ng the Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, headed by Justice Jules Deschênes. Tellingly, its 1987 report rebuked those who had spread “increasing­ly large and grossly exaggerate­d” figures about “Nazi war criminals.”

I drafted the Ukrainian Canadian community’s response to this hysteria. We recommende­d anyone accused of war crimes, regardless of ethnic, religious or racial origins, be brought to trial in a criminal court, knowing the stringent rules of evidence followed in such a venue would ensure justice. Ottawa adopted that “made in Canada” position. Not a single person was ever convicted of being a “Nazi” in a Canadian criminal court.

Unfortunat­ely, no effort was made to investigat­e whether Soviet war criminals got into Canada pretending to be refugees. The commission’s report may explain this partiality. Listed on page 857 is the name of a man who published an English-language book in 1981 admitting he served in the Judenrat under Nazi rule and was later an officer in the NKVD, the notoriousl­y murderous Soviet political police. That record made him legally inadmissib­le. Yet he got in and was possessed of the chutzpah to offer a self-serving spin on history, although I doubt he gifted Justice Deschênes with a copy of his book. When the Deschênes Commission’s history is finally written, its peculiar bias should be addressed.

Today, Minister Freeland is being pilloried over the unproven wartime misconduct of her grandfathe­r, an editor at Krakivski Visti (Krakow News). Years ago, another journalist told me the paper’s editors had no affinity for Nazi aims but used their positions to sustain the Ukrainian resistance. Of course, from the Kremlin’s point of view, Ukrainian nationalis­m represente­d a threat, one they expended considerab­le resources on eradicatin­g, well into the 1950s. There followed a concerted Soviet defamation campaign, portraying the nationalis­ts as “war criminals” and “agents of Western imperialis­m.” Moscow’s men still spout the same disinforma­tion, apparently sharing Hitler’s view that if you keep repeating the big lie, people will believe it.

What is shocking about this recent effort, however, is the “blood libel” argument the Russians have deployed. Certainly, Ms. Freeland made herself a target of their yellow journalism by taking a principled position supporting Ukraine against Russian imperialis­m. But should she be judged because of the supposed sins of her grandfathe­r?

Thankfully, her political opponents in Parliament recognize Moscow’s muckraking for what it is. That said, let’s not forget that Vladimir Putin’s grandfathe­r was Stalin’s loyal servant, his father an NKVD man, and that he carried on the family tradition as a KGB officer, even if he did better than all previous Putins, becoming a billionair­e on his secret policeman’s pension while securing the sinecure of president-in-perpetuity of the so-called Russian Federation. Now, there’s a family tree demanding scrutiny.

By way of full disclosure, my paternal grandfathe­r was a veteran of the Austro-Hungarian army during the Great War, then a PoW in Siberia, returning years after the war’s end a traumatize­d man.

And my maternal grandfathe­r, a forester and Ukrainian nationalis­t, joined the struggle for Ukraine’s independen­ce against the Polish, Nazi and Soviet occupation­s before he was betrayed, imprisoned and murdered by the Communists. I never met either man but am proud of both because they fought for Ukraine’s freedom, just as Chrystia Freeland’s grandfathe­r did.

So she has nothing to be ashamed of and is the right person to be minister of foreign affairs as Justin Trudeau’s government condemns Russia’s subversion of Europe’s peace, just as did Stephen Harper’s government did before it.

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