Ottawa Citizen

Wedding brings out family tension


QMy parents have been divorced for over 10 years. My father’s been with his wife for over five years. He cheated on my mother many times. (Sometimes I was dragged along with him.) My mother’s been with her fiancé for over three years.

I asked both my stepdad and my father to walk me down the aisle. My dad’s refusing: He won’t “share his daughter.” He’s never really been there for me. He dated countless women, leaving me on the back burner most of my life.

I’m done with everyone fighting over MY wedding.

My fiancé suggested I walk halfway alone, and he meet me halfway because that’s what our marriage will be about: meeting each other halfway.

I haven’t talked to my dad since, but he keeps commenting on Facebook pictures of my son, saying he misses him and us. I’m just beyond done. — Wedding Aisle Without Dad

AThe “meeting each other halfway” concept is a lovely symbol of love and compromise in your forthcomin­g marriage.

You’ve seen the other kind too closely and harshly, and have every good reason to make this union different from the start.

You may see more not-so-subtle reactions from your father, and even your stepdad and mom too.

Ignore it. But being “done” with a parent isn’t always easy long term as they age.

Take that decision one phase at a time.

For now, focus on your wedding and do what you can to make it a happy event.

QMy husband of 12 years and I have two children. One of my husband’s sisters (A) is a single mother of two. The other (B) has no children, but is married and very financiall­y sound.

I have a good relationsh­ip with both of them, although I’m becoming very bothered by B’s favouritis­m toward A and her children.

She’s taken them all to sporting events, shopping and dinners. She brags about the children on social media and at family events, while hardly even interactin­g with ours.

When my niece turned 16, B bought her a new car.

I understand it’s natural to be closer to some family members, but it doesn’t mean my family should be left out.

My husband’s also upset by this and thinks we should confront her, but I’m not so sure. I don’t want it to seem like we care about her money or materialis­tic things.

We just want to be included and treated fair.

Should we just try to let it go or say how we feel? — Awkward and Hurtful

AAs sisters, it’s not unusual that they’re closer, which you seem to understand. But perhaps, because she doesn’t have children, you’ve also seen A or communicat­ed with her more often on behalf of getting the cousins together.

Before you consider speaking up, I suggest you make your own outreach to B and also connect the children closer to her.

Invite her and her husband to something casual together — say, a barbecue. Let them know when one of your children’s involved in a school play, or a sports event.

You don’t want to be false or seeking anything other than more awareness and caring in the family. But just stewing over the situation together is bound to create more resentment.

QMy doctor sent me to a counsellor who charged $249 per hour.

I went once and found her to be of no use to me. Hospitals have waiting lists that are months long. — Need Help

AMost cities have associatio­ns for counsellor­s, therapists, life coaches and psychologi­sts. Call or email the associatio­ns, asking about costs and types of approaches.

But you should note, it sometimes takes two or three visits before you feel that a counsellor “gets” you.

Look for a place that offers choices, such as in person, telephone or Skype services.

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