Ottawa Citizen


- CHRISTIE BLATCHFORD National Post cblatchfor­

TORONTO • University of Toronto psychology professor Dr. Jordan Peterson has had a federal research grant applicatio­n denied for the first time in his long and distinguis­hed academic career.

And he’s certain that the rejection from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the government agency that supports post-secondary research, is linked to the controvers­y surroundin­g his stand on gender-neutral pronouns such as “zie” and “zher,” and the modern notion of gender as being fluid.

That his applicatio­n was also rated so poorly is telling, he said, meaning that if the proposal had just missed the mark, it might have been a credible critique, but the proposal failed abysmally.

Julia Gualtieri, spokeswoma­n for the council, said in an email Monday that grants are awarded through a merit review process, and that “past funding is not a guarantee of further funding.” Names of the peer review committee members will be publicly posted once all applicants have been fully notified, she said.

Peterson sparked a freespeech furor last fall with YouTube videos about the dangers of the then-looming (and now law) federal Bill C-16, which included “gender identity” and “gender expression” in the Canadian Human Rights Code and the Criminal Code.

He was immediatel­y warned by the university “to stop repeating these statements” because they were purportedl­y inciting fear in the transgende­r community.

And at the time, Peterson said he knew he was most vulnerable to attack in two areas — his grant funding and his licence as a clinical psychologi­st.

“I think that (the controvers­y) provided someone with a convenient opportunit­y to make their displeasur­e with what I’m doing known,” he told Postmedia in a recent phone interview. “I can’t shake the suspicion.”

Nothing else has changed, he said: As usual, he has three top-calibre graduate students working with him; and his “citation counts,” the number of times a work is cited by peers, are rapidly rising and have always been high.

Indeed, it’s the graduate students’ loss of income that Peterson feels badly about, though he’s already working on alternate ways to raise funds for them.

“Almost all of it (the grant money) is used to pay my grad students their supplement so they can get their PhDs,” he said. Another chunk would have gone to pay research subjects. There was also a small budget for the students to travel to present their data.

Much of the five-year, $399,625 grant was for continuing work on research the SSHRC has previously approved and funded; the last time, in 2012, was for the largest amount ever awarded to a psychologi­st.

The applicatio­n, which runs to 41 pages, was for continuing research in three areas: the technical investigat­ion of the structure of personalit­y, particular­ly improving the mechanisms by which personalit­y is measured; assessing personalit­y and political beliefs; and for online interventi­ons for people to improve performanc­e at school and work.

Well before Peterson erupted on to the public consciousn­ess last fall with his YouTube videos questionin­g the current push for genderless pronouns and gender equity, he was recognized as a respected scientist.

He taught at Harvard University for six years.

His so-called “h-index,” for instance, is considered exceptiona­l.

The h-index is the result of physicist Jorge Hirsch’s attempt to measure the quality of scientists, not just the number of times he or she was published.

In other words, both productivi­ty and impact are measured.

According to Hirsch, after 20 years of research, an hindex of 20 is good, 40 outstandin­g; Peterson’s score is 49. His total citation count is almost 8,000.

“By multiple measures,” he said, “even if the ideas (in the grant applicatio­n) were not of the highest calibre, and they were, I have the track record to show I’m more than capable of producing, including my ability to disseminat­e my ideas into the broader community.”

In fact, he’s indisputab­ly a great communicat­or: His education videos have been viewed by eight million people, and he’s popular on Twitter.

The rejection has “zero impact on my income,” Peterson said. “It’s all the same to me … But it’s cut the legs out from under my graduate students.”

The rejection, he said, “is a seriously bad sign” that the vetting process may be becoming politicize­d.

But Gualtieri defended the merit process as “a transparen­t, in-depth and effective way to allocate public research funds.”

 ??  ??
 ?? MICHAEL PEAKE / POSTMEDIA NETWORK ?? University of Toronto’s Dr. Jordan Peterson says he can’t “shake the suspicion” his stand on gender-neutral pronouns is behind the rejection of his grant applicatio­n.
MICHAEL PEAKE / POSTMEDIA NETWORK University of Toronto’s Dr. Jordan Peterson says he can’t “shake the suspicion” his stand on gender-neutral pronouns is behind the rejection of his grant applicatio­n.

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