Ottawa Citizen

LCBO, union return to the dance floor

OPSEU risks losing public support if it forces strike with well-funded employer


Creeping privatizat­ion at the Liquor Control Board of Ontario is behind a tough round of labour talks that’s headed for a strike vote later this month, says the president of the union representi­ng workers there.

“Every time we go into bargaining with them, we take a strike vote and go right down to the 11th hour, and then the employer settles,” said Smokey Thomas, the president of the Ontario Public Service Employees’ Union. “It’s the classic, classic, classic (case of ) the employer coming in and tabling all kinds of concession­ary demands with the aim of getting (only) some of them.”

It’s all part of the dance, he said. Though this time the dance is more of a mosh. The contract for OPSEU’s workers at the LCBO expired at the end of March and the union’s called for a strike vote on April 24 and 25.

Because government­s have effectivel­y infinite resources and public-sector unions are also very well funded, most publicsect­or labour fights are wars of manoeuvre, not attrition: you win not by outlasting the other side, but by convincing the public the other side are the bad guys. That’s difficult for OPSEU, which represents cashiers who make $28 an hour in a business that’s at zero risk of being wiped out by a competitor. Building up the LCBO into a noble public trust is one way of doing it.

(The LCBO isn’t helping just now. The liquor board’s cocktail recipe of the month, offered on its website, is for “gin and lemonade,” which you make with a shot of gin and some lemonade. The gin is cherry, so there’s that. Its three recommende­d beers of the month are themed for the hockey playoffs. They are — I am not kidding — Molson Canadian in a bottle, Molson Canadian in a can, and Molson Canadian in a larger can. The value the LCBO’s adding that a private retailer couldn’t is not obvious.)

The union is especially angry about a recent arbitrator’s ruling that removed automatic time-and-a-half pay for working on Sundays — the third-busiest day of the week at LCBO stores, apparently, but a day on which staff had to volunteer to work. Now Sunday time is paid at normal rates and workers can be scheduled against their will to work as much as one Sunday a month. They’re also fighting over job security and, as usual, wages.

The Sunday thing was meant to save the LCBO some money to compensate for more generous treatment of casual workers, who are disproport­ionately female, a fact the union uses to argue is a sign of institutio­nalized sexism. Most of the LCBO’s retail workers are women and most of them are casuals. They’re precarious­ly employed, and that’s not right when they work for a very profitable government enterprise, Thomas said.

The union got a big win on the issue it was contesting, but is having to pay for that win with the other hand.

“This ruling is a blatant violation of the most basic principle of human rights,” Thomas said when the arbitrator ruled. “Rights are rights — you’re not supposed to have to pay for them. This award ignores that principle, and instead strips collective agreement provisions, making co-workers pay for providing their colleagues with equal pay for equal work.”

OPSEU will fight to get the previous Sunday rules restored, Thomas said. At the bargaining table if possible, and in the streets if necessary.

That’s where things get difficult. Paying retail workers overtime rates for working on Sundays has been customary at the LCBO but it’s not the kind of thing that will attract mass public support for a strike, if it comes to that.

The fight has to look bigger and more principled.

“Our fear is they’re going to treat the LCBO the same as they treat the hydro file,” Thomas said, mashing a hot button. Polls say Ontarians don’t want Hydro One sold but the government is selling a majority stake in the power utility, piece by piece.

The thing is, selling Hydro One has an obvious up side: it’s bringing in billions of dollars. Keeping nominal control of the LCBO while destroying it from within doesn’t do the government any good. The Liberals had every opportunit­y to change liquor sales radically when they had former top banker Ed Clark examine alcohol distributi­on in this province, and make a ton of money doing it. They didn’t.

OPSEU’s doing its job, representi­ng its members, and you can’t blame the union for using the government’s own rhetoric against it. But at heart, this fight is just over how to distribute the profits from a near-monopoly that’s going to stay a nearmonopo­ly.

The union is especially angry about a recent ruling that removed automatic time-and-a-half pay for working on Sundays.

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