Ottawa Citizen


Nesting large, smallmouth bass swim up to 60 kms every 24 hours


Postmedia has published recent series on the science of summer and science of winter. Naturally our thoughts are turning to spring, and to the amazing journeys that smallmouth and largemouth bass take every year — without ever leaving home.

Adult bass spend weeks in May and June swimming non-stop in an exhausting patrol to keep predators away from their offspring, so Carleton University’s Steven Cooke set out to find how far they travel.

Usually he attaches radio transmitte­rs to fish when he traces their movements. But a radio transmitte­r won’t measure small movements around a nest. His teams installed equipment on bass that records movements of their swimming muscles, and translated that into length of movement.

They found that nesting largemouth and smallmouth bass travel an astonishin­g 40 to 60 kilometres every 24 hours, in short back-and-forth or turning movements over the nest, with the occasional sprint of a few metres to drive off a predator.

That’s a daily distance similar to Pacific salmon in the open ocean. Yet the bass are going nowhere.

“That’s the most fascinatin­g part. They’re at most maybe three or four metres away” from the nest. Cooke said.

Over the nesting period, the largemouth bass averaged greater distances (49 km a day) than smallmouth (41 km.) Nonnesting largemouth­s are believed to swim some 12 km a day.

Stage one: The male selects a nesting spot in shallow water. The smallmouth bass tends to scrape out an easy-to-spot saucer-shaped depression; the largemouth is less fussy. Both wait for a female.

She picks a big, healthy-looking male and deposits eggs which the male fertilizes. Mom then leaves. Dad takes over for the next three to six weeks, depending on water temperatur­e. (Cooler water slows the developmen­t of babies.)

“They need to be fanning their eggs,” to bring them oxygen and wash away silt, Cooke said.

“As soon as the eggs hatch then it’s less about oxygenatio­n, more about keeping predators away. Bluegill and pumpkinsee­ds will rush in and try to eat them, so you’ve got this male ( bass) on guard 24 hours a day. The predators don’t go away. And that is how they accumulate all those kilometres.”

The fish spend a lot of time turning in a tight circle on top of the nest. It’s not quite what many of us would consider swimming: “They’re swimming in place, kind of like what I do when I go for a jog and I come to a red light.”

A fin near the back of the bass is pushing forward while pectoral fins set farther forward are keeping them in place. The fish turn as they do this, looking in all directions.

If other fish come too close the bass open their mouths as a threat, or even dash at an invader — but not very far.

“The parents have to be careful because these (predator) fish are coming from all directions. If you spend too much time chasing one, then you’re going to get flanked by six of the little fish’s friends.”

What the adult eats while standing on guard is not well known.

They lose weight as they patrol the nest, either eating less than usual or burning more energy. They seem to eat only what presents itself as an easy meal. Their levels of ghrelin, a hormone associated with appetite, falls. Cooke’s lab has tried injecting ghrelin into the bass, after which they eat more but do a poorer job of protecting the nest.

He uses the analogy of a marathoner who doesn’t load up on too much food just before a big race, because digesting and high activity don’t go well together.

“The one caveat is that no self-resisting bass can resist a couple of crayfish,” when they get the chance.

As with many species, parenthood is exhausting — and the bass can’t raise young every year. “If you spend too much of your energy on this one batch (of young) and it kills you, then your ability to make babies next year and the year after is diminished. So they trade off current versus future reproducti­ve opportunit­ies.”

Out of 2,000 to 4,000 eggs, only a handful live to maturity.

Fishing for bass in nesting season is illegal in Ontario. The adult will see bait as an invader and attack it. And in the minute or two that it takes to hook a fish, pull it out and let it swim off and recover, predators swarm all over the nest. The adult bass may even abandon the nest.

It used to be hard to get conviction­s for taking bass out of season, Cooke says, but that is changing today. The secret weapon of conservati­on officers: Poachers who take trophy selfies.

Cooke, a biologist, has a Canada Research Chair in fish ecology and conservati­on physiology.

 ??  ?? It used to be difficult to get conviction­s for taking bass out of season, but that is changing today. The secret weapon of conservati­on officers? Poachers who take trophy selfies.
It used to be difficult to get conviction­s for taking bass out of season, but that is changing today. The secret weapon of conservati­on officers? Poachers who take trophy selfies.
 ??  ??

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