Ottawa Citizen

Canada not yet on track to meet 2030 climate target: report

Emissions down, but ‘hard turn’ is needed


OTTAWA • Environmen­t and Climate Change Canada quietly released a new report this month that shows a small decline in greenhouse gas emissions but projects Canada won’t meet its climate targets by 2030 unless new measures are introduced.

Climate experts say the report, posted online without fanfare or press release on April 13, tells a story of inertia.

“Look around you. Look at buildings, cars, factories. There’s your emissions,” Mark Jaccard, of Simon Fraser University, said Friday.

“I think the message out of these is, in some ways, how much inertia there is in these systems. 2014 to 2015, most of us are driving the same car, most of us are living in the same house. Most of us are working in the same jobs. The factories we have are the same,” Andrew Leach, at the University of Alberta, said. “They’re slow changes in all those pieces of the puzzle.”

Canada is supposed to submit such reports to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change every year by April 15. The UN body met in December 2015 to sign the Paris Agreement, which seeks to cap global warming at two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, while aiming, at the behest of Canada, for 1.5 C warming at most.

The specific Canadian target — the same one set by Stephen Harper’s Conservati­ve government in May 2015 — is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

The Liberals, in addition to helping negotiate the Paris Agreement, launched a “Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change” last December. The main policy is a federal carbon tax floor, at $10 per tonne by next year, rising to $50 per tonne by 2022. The government is also phasing out coal, trying to set a federal clean fuel standard and pursuing other regulation­s.

Projection­s from the department, based on those policies, predict Canada could make significan­t progress on emissions reductions but will still fall short of its 2030 target. To meet Canada’s climate target in 2030, reductions would have to come from “additional measures, such as investment­s into public transit, green infrastruc­ture, clean technology and innovation, stored carbon, internatio­nal mechanisms,” according to the report.

Government data show overall emissions have gone down slightly, overall — from 727 megatonnes in 2014 to 722 megatonnes in 2015. Emissions were at 738 megatonnes in 2005, and to meet targets, they’d have to go all the way down to 523 megatonnes by 2030.

“Two things caused emissions to go down in the last 10 years,” Jaccard said. “One was a huge recession that closed a lot of energy-intensive industries, especially in Ontario and Quebec. The second was Ontario closing its coal plants. And those are the things that are out of the ordinary.”

Oil-related emissions have gone up, with Alberta showing the biggest increase in emissions in 2015. Part of that has to do with more frequent use of a technique called steam-assisted gravity drainage, Jaccard said. That technique sees oil being heated so it can be drained out of sand, and natural gas is often used for that heating. For the Liberal government to support oilsands by approving pipelines, but meet Paris targets on the other hand, is “a big disconnect,” said Jaccard. It is possible to develop oilsands in an emissions-neutral way, by storing carbon in the ground. But that’s expensive.

While Jaccard believes government policies could have “significan­t impact” and “I would not rule out the federal government being able to achieve Paris,” he said, “the proof will be in the pudding.”

A “pretty hard right turn," in a tight time frame, is now required for Canada to get to its target, Leach said, and inertia makes things challengin­g. “The big story here is the targets that we have on the table right now would require incredibly stringent policies to meet,” he said. “I don’t think there’s anybody saying that the policies announced to date will get you there.”

Still, Marie-Pascale Des Rosiers, a spokeswoma­n for environmen­t minister Catherine McKenna, said the government’s framework “contains a real plan to put us on a path to meeting or exceeding Canada’s 2030 target.” The government has not announced what level of carbon pricing it intends to impose between 2022 and 2030.

Canada is one of 143 parties, out of 197 in total, that have ratified the Paris Agreement. On Thursday, Canada also joined an “Under2 Coalition” focused on the two-degree target, which includes France, Germany, the United Kingdom and others.


 ?? RYAN JACKSON / EDMONTON JOURNAL ?? An aerial view of oilsands operations north of Fort McMurray, Alta. Oil-related emissions have risen, according to a new federal government report, with Alberta showing the biggest increase in emissions in 2015.
RYAN JACKSON / EDMONTON JOURNAL An aerial view of oilsands operations north of Fort McMurray, Alta. Oil-related emissions have risen, according to a new federal government report, with Alberta showing the biggest increase in emissions in 2015.

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