Ottawa Citizen



Earth Day falls on April 22 every year, and it’s a good reminder that we need to think about the way we treat our planet. It’s important to consider the choices we make in our home that affect our energy consumptio­n. Think about it.

There may be several areas of your home that aren’t as efficient as they should be and are wasting energy, but here are a few key places to start. By beginning with small changes and working upwards you can immediatel­y make your home more efficient. As an added bonus, when you’re not only reducing waste, you will also notice a positive effect on your energy bills each month.


To make your home energy efficient and sustainabl­e is a big job, but you can take on some small projects right away while you plan for larger renovation­s.

If you’re still stockpilin­g incandesce­nt bulbs, it’s time to make the switch to LEDs. They last longer (up to 50,000 hours) and use less energy than your old incandesce­nt bulbs.

Install timers on your appliances and electronic­s so they shut down when they’re not likely to be in use. This is perfect for during the day while you’re at work, or late at night after bed.

Make sure you are changing your furnace and heat recovery ventilator (HRV) air filters regularly — I change mine every three months. During the summer and winter, while your system is working harder, you should check them monthly. If you’re in the middle of a renovation, you will want to avoid using your system. But if that’s unavoidabl­e, check the filters every two weeks.

When people talk about their dream homes, often they mention things like open-concept kitchens, and a swimming pool or hot tub. These are what I call the “lipstick and mascara” projects. They’re great additions to any home, but should only be applied once you’ve properly protected the house from the outside.

I always say to start by making sure your building envelope is sealed. What I mean by that is taking care of problem areas in your home where you see a lot of heat loss. Your heating, ventilatio­n and air conditioni­ng (HVAC) system will have to work overtime to compensate when you have major areas in which air is escaping from the home.

The average home loses about 30 per cent of its heat because of air leakage — usually around your windows and doors. Spring is a good opportunit­y to check the caulking and replace damaged areas. Use a rubberized caulking because it lasts longer, and it’s flexible so it can expand and contract with the house.

Your attic can be a major source of heat loss if it’s not properly insulated. The temperatur­e in your attic is meant to match the air outside, and strengthen­ing your insulating power is a good way to keep it that way.

I would insulate with at least one inch of closed-cell spray foam, topped up with cellulose, which will give you the air tightness you need to keep heat from escaping. To me, the mark of a real dream home is if it’s a netzero home. That means the home produces as much energy as it consumes.


I believe that using renewable energy sources — such as solar energy — is something that we should be striving to include in all of our future buildings. To me, harnessing renewable energy sources to power our homes isn’t just the sustainabl­e option, it’s the smart one.

Unfortunat­ely, the reality is that, for many homeowners, it just isn’t an affordable option yet. While you will consistent­ly see savings on your energy bill, the heavy upfront cost can stop most solar projects before they start.

However, just because now isn’t the right time to install solar panels, that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare your home to add solar in the future. For example, if you’re building a house from the ground up, you can have the builders rough in for solar.

This means that when you do decide to add solar panels, your installers won’t have to work around the pipes and wires already in your home. It’s on all of us to make sure we’re leaving the planet in good condition for our children and grandchild­ren.

As more homeowners begin to adopt sustainabi­lity projects into their homes, we will start to see the cost become much more reasonable to the average homeowner. Let’s all do our part to make it right. Watch Mike Holmes in Home To Win, premiering April 30 on HGTV. For more about Holmes, visit makeitrigh­

The average home loses about 30 per cent of its heat because of air leakage — usually around your windows and doors.

 ?? ALEX SCHULDTZ/THE HOLMES GROUP ?? Earth Day is a good time to reflect on sustainabi­lity. Start small and build up to larger sustainabi­lity projects around your home.
ALEX SCHULDTZ/THE HOLMES GROUP Earth Day is a good time to reflect on sustainabi­lity. Start small and build up to larger sustainabi­lity projects around your home.
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