Ottawa Citizen


Campanale passes the torch to the second generation


Campanale was founded by Tony, Rocco and Vince: three brothers with a shared vision and desire to bring exceptiona­l value and traditiona­l craftsmans­hip to homes of different sizes and styles.

It started off as a real estate brokerage about 38 years ago, and quickly became one of the leading brokerages in Ottawa at the time. The brothers built their company on family values and relationsh­ips: They wanted to provide a service to families and investors that focused on their wants and needs. And, above all, they wanted customers to feel like their voices were heard.

Since then, Campanale has become a full-service organizati­on and branched off into Campanale Management, which manages all of their commercial and residentia­l units, and Campanale Homes, which deals with new home and commercial constructi­on. It creates a unique opportunit­y for both new and seasoned investors: They can purchase and manage properties through the same company, all in one place.

Campanale Homes has kept homes for rent in their communitie­s, such as Alta Vista Apartments, Arnprior Callahan Estates, Arnprior Riverwood, Gloucester Stonehenge Park, Heron Park, Barrhaven and Hunt Club. They have commercial properties in Old Ottawa South, the Glebe, Barrhaven, Brookfield and off Maitland. They currently have a commercial office space available for lease at 1185 Bank St. They’re in the process of building three new communitie­s: Callahan Estates in Arnprior, Longfields Station in Barrhaven and Prince of Wales on the Rideau, across the river from Mooney’s Bay.

The company has not only contribute­d to both the residentia­l and commercial growth in Ottawa, but also works as a landlord to many businesses in the city. They continue to design homes and properties to be above quality standards; they focus on superior energy efficiency, craftsmans­hip and design. Campanale still operates as a family business, and with the family’s second generation working in the company, they continue to drive home the importance of family values and relationsh­ips.

Campanale Management is in the process of transition­ing the company from the first three founders to the second generation of family members: Cody, Christian, Mathew, Timothy, Jenna, Michael and Santana Campanale. Each member plays an important role in this transition and works hard to continue their success in the future.

The second generation is involved with many aspects of the business, focusing primarily on land developmen­t, constructi­on, new-home sales and property management.

They grew up together learning the values of unity, attention to detail and discipline that uphold the business culture of the Campanale Group of Companies. They also worked for the family company while receiving their high school and university education, taking on administra­tive, constructi­on, design, sales and property management roles.

“When I was a little girl, my father would take me to the sites on the weekends and I would work as a mini-assistant in the back room, photocopyi­ng and preparing marketing packages for the sales consultant­s,” says Santana Campanale, director of sales.

When presented with an opportunit­y to work with her father, Vince, Santana accepted the position: It was an opportunit­y to be trained by someone with more than 38 years of industry knowledge and experience — an opportunit­y to really learn what her father did for a living. She now works with her family members, including the two active founders, Tony and Vince, in the company headquarte­rs every day. One of the most satisfying and rewarding feelings is being able to grow together and learn from that, she says.

“I started working as a sales consultant at our Longfields Station Sales Centre in Barrhaven.”

“My father would come to the site and train me one-on-one after he finished working at our headquarte­rs almost everyday. It was very special,” says Santana.

Once she started selling on her own, her father asked her to join him at their headquarte­rs.

“I work with my father in the same office. Before I moved to our headquarte­rs, my father had expanded his office by tearing down the walls of the neighbouri­ng office to make room for my desk. My father wanted me to work side by side with him.

“For three years now, he’s taught me everything — everything I know,” she says.

Santana says that the best part of her day is meeting purchasers and listening to what they need and how Campanale Homes can complement their lifestyles.

Many of the families she works with have purchased homes with her father and are now returning to purchase homes for their children or grandchild­ren. She says that it’s rewarding when a customer purchases many homes within the same family: It gives validation that they’ve given good service and helped the purchaser find something that fits their needs.

She’s worked with a family in Arnprior on the purchase of their fourth home in the same community — the parents and their three children. “My father sold them their first home and I was able to complete the last two sales with them. They really feel part of the family and that’s what’s important,” she says.

Growing up, the Campanale kids were very close to each other: They all lived right next door to each other on the same street — three homes, side by side, in Alta Vista. They shared houses, backyards and fully embraced their large Italian family and cherished one another.

Customers will have an opportunit­y to meet many members of the Campanale family, including Vince, at the Grand Opening of The Station, a luxury condominiu­m building in Barrhaven, on April 22 and 23.

 ?? PHOTOS: CAMPANALE HOMES ?? Site supervisor Mike Campanale amid constructi­on of undergroun­d parking at The Station, a luxury condo in the Longfields Station community in Barrhaven.
PHOTOS: CAMPANALE HOMES Site supervisor Mike Campanale amid constructi­on of undergroun­d parking at The Station, a luxury condo in the Longfields Station community in Barrhaven.
 ??  ?? At the GOHBA Housing Design 2016 Awards, Campanale Homes won Best Two-storey Single Home (2,601 - 3,500 sq.ft.) — $750,001 and Over for the Rogue model in Prince of Wales. From left: Cody Campanale, Heather Moro, Santana Campanale, the GOHBA award...
At the GOHBA Housing Design 2016 Awards, Campanale Homes won Best Two-storey Single Home (2,601 - 3,500 sq.ft.) — $750,001 and Over for the Rogue model in Prince of Wales. From left: Cody Campanale, Heather Moro, Santana Campanale, the GOHBA award...

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