Ottawa Citizen



Oxford Mills, Aug. 16, 2016.

“Right now I’m retired from farming. I worked at the Kemptville College for 30 years, feeding animals and doing research work.

“Joyce and I have been married 58 years. We have four children, 10 grandchild­ren and six great grandchild­ren. I was 22 and she was 18 when we got married. I got to know her because my brother was married to her sister. John and Mary. So she used to come and visit her sister. I grew up in Oxford Mills, and she’s from Avonmore, past Chestervil­le.” Was it love at first sight? “Not really, because I knew her from before. We had parties, and it went from there. She was from the farm, and smart. At the time I thought I was, too. We got engaged after a couple of years. I asked her father if I could have her and he said yes. Then I asked her and she said yes. I bought the ring at a store

in Kemptville. We were married in Moose Creek. A big church. Catholic. We went to Niagara Falls for our honeymoon. That was nice.”

What is the secret to being married for 58 years?

“It must be a bit of love or whatever you call it. Give and take.” What did you have to give up? “She’s quite demanding. She likes to drive.” So you’re in the passenger seat? “Oh, yeah.”

Just in the car, or in life in general?

“Pretty well everything. She’s the boss.” What do you do for fun? “We play cards. Rook. Monday afternoon and Friday afternoon, right here. A bunch of them come over. Although she’s not fussy on playing cards. She’d rather read. And we got out sometimes, to somebody’s party or a church do. At the Holy Cross in Kemptville. I’m a fourth-degree knight.” Do you ever fight? “We have a few quarrels every now and then. Just things that happen. I’d disagree and she’d agree, and she’s the boss. But we’ve had some good parties. I turned 80 last Christmas Day, and we had a party on the 27th.

What would your advice be for someone who’s just getting married?

“Keep your zipper up.”


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