Ottawa Citizen



Fairmont Château Laurier, Jan. 23.

“It’s funny … I drive into work every day and think, ‘That’s my office — a castle.’

“I’m the head doorman at Fairmont Château Laurier. It’s my job to greet guests; I’m the first person people see when they arrive, and basically I’m here to make sure all their needs are looked after. I make sure they find the right restaurant to get to, or local spots that are off the beaten track.

“I was born and raised here. My dad was a chartered accountant, and I spent a lot of time in restaurant­s — a lot of his clientele were restaurate­urs. And so food is really a passion of mine, and I like people who share that passion. So when I recommend a place, it’s usually one that has its owner there. People want the feel of Ottawa. The same with entertainm­ent and the sights.

“I’m also known as the Hugging Doorman. If anyone needs a hug … but only when they need it; I don’t initiate it. There was one gentleman, he and his wife used to come here. And she unfortunat­ely passed away, and I said to him, ‘Do you need a hug at all?’ and that’s how it started. That was about two years ago.

“And now he’ll drive by, and he’ll pull in and say, ‘I need a hug today, Gord.’ And I’ve had people waiting in a lineup to get into Wilfrid’s, and one gentleman says, ‘Gord, are you still the hugging doorman?’ and I ended up hugging five people in the lineup.

“I fell into this job sideways. I was in printing for 21 years. I was a graphic artist. I did film stripping. Photoshop was my thing. I also dabbled a bit in bike tours — eco-tours. I was getting a little later on in my career and said to my wife, ‘I’d like to do something different.’ And we saw an ad in the paper for a doorman at the Château Laurier, and my wife said, ‘You spend enough time talking to the doormen at the hotel; why don’t you try it?’

“So I went to the Hilton LacLeamy first and asked what’s involved in being a doorman, and they explained everything to me. And I talked to a bellman here about what goes on. And I knew my French had to be better, so I went and worked with a friend at Transport Canada where they all only spoke French, so they only spoke French to me for a solid month before I started here.

“I was also in sea cadets, in the military, wearing a uniform and comporting yourself well. So when I came in for the interview, they said, ‘Do you have a problem standing for long periods?’ and I’m like, ‘No.’ ‘Do you have a problem wearing a uniform?’ ‘No.’ ‘How about working with younger people?’ because I was coming into this business as a 40-year-old, and a lot of my bosses would be 23 or 24. And I said, ‘No, no, no.’

“It’s been quite a journey. Everything has its challenges, and some days are really busy. But there are always one or two people that roll in with a beautiful smile, or the kids who get out of the car and they’re flabbergas­ted, and I say, ‘Welcome to the castle!’

“I’ve been here 10 years, and you see all kinds. You have to be a traffic controller, a babysitter. You have to do time management. We see it all. Mr. Chrétien, Brian Mulroney, Justin Trudeau. And lots of nonpolitic­al people. Roch Voisine, Miley Cyrus, Paul McCartney. And I got to train Rick Mercer to be a doorman.”

What are three great things in Ottawa that you’d recommend?

“Definitely the bottom of the Parliament Buildings; the path that goes around the river. It’s gorgeous.

“Also old city hall, on Green Island. A lot of people just walk by there on their way to the Governor General’s, but they don’t take that extra minute to see the beautiful old bridge there.

“And the Experiment­al Farm. Where else can you — in a city — be on a farm? It’s a gem, and they have such good access to the animals.”


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