Ottawa Citizen




Poor Steve Ladurantay­e.

I hesitate to speak in his defence only because as a fellow sinner (I too engaged in the “Appropriat­ion Prize” joke on Twitter), my support may do him more harm.

But someone has to speak up: The managing editor at CBC’s The National, Ladurantay­e is the third highprofil­e media type in recent months to resign or be demoted for expressing an idea offensive to the rigid current orthodoxy.

As Dr. Jordan Peterson, the University of Toronto psychology professor who knows a thing or two about taking on sacred cows, said Thursday in a brief phone conversati­on, that’s scary.

“You guys are being knocked off one by one,” he said. “Journalist­s better start fighting or they’re going to die.”

There’s a fourth figure too, less well-known until all this blew up — Hal Niedzvieck­i, the former editor of Write, The Writers’ Union of Canada quarterly.

He resigned after he was raked on social media for writing that writers should be free to write anything, in any voice, and having jokingly suggested an “Appropriat­ion Prize” for the writer who best wrote outside her own experience.

That in turn led to former National Post editor Ken Whyte offering money for the prize on Twitter, which is where Ladurantay­e and the others (me among them) got in trouble.

I certainly took it just as Whyte later said he’d meant it: He wasn’t seriously offering to sponsor a prize, but was rather saying, as he put it, “I agree wholeheart­edly with what Hal wrote, and I don’t think he should have lost his job for it.”

Neither do I think that Andrew Potter should have resigned his seat as the director of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, though he was allowed to stay on as an associate professor. (There are some who say he was shown the door, though the university denies it.)

Potter was the first to feel the power of the social media/appropriat­ion backlash.

He wrote a column published by Maclean’s on March 20 in which he said that the blizzard which stranded hundreds of cars overnight in Montreal had also revealed cracks in Quebec civil society.

You could agree or disagree with the piece, but it was hardly outrageous or outlandish.

Yet in venturing outside the lines of what’s permissibl­e for a non-Quebecker to say about Quebec, Potter got a reaction that was swift, high-powered and vicious.

Next was Niedzvieck­i, and then there was Jonathan Kay, who resigned as editor of The Walrus after writing a column in the Post not in defence of Niedzvieck­i, but in defence of the debate.

The reaction to Kay’s column, he said, had not much to do with him packing it in at the magazine.

But a line in that column seems prescient: The Niedzvieck­i piece, Kay said, “had the air of someone exasperate­d with the political correctnes­s, tokenism and hypersensi­tivity that now pervade academia and cultural organizati­ons.” He said he’d found himself censoring himself more and more. So do I. So do we all, I think.

Then came Ladurantay­e, whose contributi­on to the “appropriat­ion prize” tweetfest was this: “I’ll throw in $100.” (I am five times as guilty, I suppose, since I offered to kick in $500 for the bar tab.)

It’s what’s happened to him since which is galling.

He deleted what he called the “dumb, glib tweet.” He apologized to his colleagues at The National, and in 13 tweets, to the world.

He could not have been more abject. Did he imagine that would be enough?

CBC let him swing in the wind for several days. It was only on Wednesday that CBC News editor-in-chief Jennifer McGuire sent the note announcing that Ladurantay­e was “stepping away” from his role as managing editor.

She said that “In addition to taking the time necessary to reach out to indigenous communitie­s and other communitie­s as part of his learning process, Steve will work in our content experience area to help evolve our storytelli­ng strategies,” McGuire said.

In the fall, CBC will “reassess his connection to The National going forward,” she said, and in the interim, CBC News has created an “emerging leaders program” to develop a more diverse leadership team and is conducting “training about unconsciou­s bias” across the country.

Oh good: Ladurantay­e, having been through a “struggle session” straight out of Mao’s China, is now off to re-education camp.

It’s Canada, 2017, and journalist­s are in peril of losing their jobs or being pressured to quit for expressing controvers­ial ideas.

Thus far, neither of the two national journalist organizati­ons — the Canadian Associatio­n of Journalist­s and Canadian Journalist­s for Free Expression — has publicly uttered a peep.

The national board of the CAJ, its president Nick Taylor-Vaisey said Thursday, “is currently considerin­g this.”

The CJFE, executive director Tom Henheffer said, is going to be issuing a statement soon.

“To sum it up, though, we don’t see this as a free expression issue,” Henheffer said in an email Thursday. “Freedom of expression is not freedom from criticism. … Caving to societal pressure is not censorship,” he said. “If the government was involved in any way, or if a lawsuit was launched with the intent to silence someone, it would be different.”

All in all, I think I’d rather face government repression or even a couple of terrorists with guns, as they did at Charlie Hebdo magazine not so long ago, than this insidious erosion of the freedom to think and write.

Of course, freedom of expression doesn’t spare you from criticism, even the withering sort — but when it’s accompanie­d by demands for your head, your job, and systemic reform within your company, it’s no longer just criticism.

 ?? CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT / PETERBOROU­GH EXAMINER / QMI AGENCY ?? The managing editor at CBC’s The National, Steve Ladurantay­e is the third high-profile media figure to resign or be demoted recently for offending the rigid current orthodoxy, writes Christie Blatchford.
CLIFFORD SKARSTEDT / PETERBOROU­GH EXAMINER / QMI AGENCY The managing editor at CBC’s The National, Steve Ladurantay­e is the third high-profile media figure to resign or be demoted recently for offending the rigid current orthodoxy, writes Christie Blatchford.

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