Ottawa Citizen



It would be churlish to call Norman a tragic fall in the career of writer-director Joseph Cedar.

Still, his last two features, the Hebrew-language war drama Beaufort (2007) and that rare beast, a Talmudic Studies comedy called Footnote (2011), were both nominated for a best foreign-language Oscar. Norman, performed mostly in English within New York’s Jewish community, is unlikely to receive any Oscar love, though it does have its own moderate charms.

Not least of these is Richard Gere.

The actor has been in the news of late, talking (though not complainin­g) about how he can’t get any big-studio roles because his pro-Tibetan politics have made him box-office poison in China.

Not coincident­ally, he has two independen­t features out this spring. Norman is one; the other, a thriller called The Dinner, with Steve Coogan, Laura Linney and Rebecca Hall, opens in limited release next week.

He stars as Norman Oppenheime­r, founder and CEO of Oppenheime­r Strategies.

It says so right on his business card, but what that means is a little harder to define.

The film calls him a fixer, though the Yiddish term would be “macher,” sometimes translated as a broker, an agent or even a swindler. Oppenheime­r is sometimes all of those things, but not consistent­ly any one of them.

When a curious colleague (Charlotte Gainsbourg) asks him to explain his job, he answers her question with a question. “What do you need? I help you get it.”

Norman is a fascinatin­g character. Throughout the film, which spans several years, he is always dressed in the same camelhair coat, flat cap and checkered scarf, making him appear both well-kempt and homeless.

He walks with a weird, rolling shuffle, as though he used to be overweight and never changed

his gait when he slimmed down.

The plot of Norman can be as hard to get a handle on as is Norman. Attending a Jewish event in New York, Norman spots Israeli government functionar­y Micha Eshel (Footnote’s Lior Ashkenazi) and decides to make the man his new best friend by buying him a pair of extremely expensive shoes.

This random act of mercenary kindness pays off when, three years later, Micha has become prime minister of Israel.

Suddenly, Norman’s sphere of influence expands like an exploding star. Cedar illustrate­s the change with a scene in which everyone at a party slows down except Norman, who seems to be living and thinking at superhero speed.

But remember the film’s title, and what the Torah says about pride coming before a fall, and stumbling following a haughty spirit? Clearly, Norman is headed for a comeuppanc­e.

The complex plot is the film’s biggest stumbling block. Cedar introduces a next-generation fixer in the form of Hank Azaria (less dapper but just as driven as Norman), but isn’t sure what to do with him once he arrives.

And the relationsh­ip between Norman and Micha never quite gels; the two haven’t really spent enough time together for their bond to make sense.

But the cast does its best to straddle the cracks in the screenplay, and it turns out to be enough. Gere, 67 but still spry, is both likable and infuriatin­g in the role of Norman.

We may question the means to that moderate rise, but surely he doesn’t deserve such a tragic fall, either.

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