Ottawa Citizen



After playing Wolverine in nine movies, Hugh Jackman arguably knows more about the superhero than anyone. But that wasn’t always the case.

He recalls researchin­g the animal when he first got the role and being somewhat mistaken about the character. For one thing, he had no idea that a wolverine is a real creature. “I didn’t even know there was a wolverine. I literally, embarrassi­ngly did about two weeks of research on wolves.”

A wolverine is a mammal that resembles a small bear but is actually the largest member of the weasel family.

The Wolverine Jackman plays onscreen is a mutant born with super-human senses and the power to heal from almost any wound.

Earlier this year, Jackman marked the character’s final performanc­e in Logan, which will be available on DVD beginning Tuesday.

 ??  ?? Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

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