Ottawa Citizen

‘You complain and this is the price you pay’

City-run long-term care home issued trespass notices to relatives


One woman was escorted from the long-term care home’s dining room by a security guard while her elderly mother, who suffers from dementia, watched in shock. Another was handed a notice under the Trespass To Property Act and told she could no longer stay in her severely disabled mother’s room while she was being cared for by staff.

Both women are retired hospital nurses who say the city-run longterm care home where their mothers live has been using no trespass notices and the threat of fines to limit their visits and punish them because they have complained about substandar­d care and dangerous hygiene practices.

The city accuses the nurses of confrontat­ional behaviour and, in one case, a physical altercatio­n with staff.

“You complain and this is the price you pay,” said the daughter of the disabled woman.

Both women, who visit their mothers daily when they are allowed to, agreed to talk to the Citizen on the condition that their identities, and the identity of the facility, not be revealed because they fear retaliatio­n against their mothers who remain in the longterm care home.

One of the women said her mother never received a shower and wasn’t taken to the toilet again after she complained about infection control.

However, the complaints about care weren’t unfounded. An investigat­ion launched by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care into the care of one of the women found the home was non-compliant with legislatio­n governing long-term care in at least five instances.

A third woman received a trespass notice from the same institutio­n but declined to speak to the Citizen.

Their revelation­s come in the same month a personal support worker was caught on film repeatedly punching an elderly resident at the Garry J. Armstrong longterm care home, which is also run by the City of Ottawa. The man’s family had installed cameras in the room after becoming concerned about unexplaine­d injuries to the largely non-verbal dementia patient. The worker pleaded guilty to assault.

The retired nurse whose mother is severely disabled said she too installed cameras in her mother’s room and bathroom after receiving the no trespass order.

“They are taking a layer of protection from my mother. When you strip the most important layer of protection — and someone who knows what they are looking at — you are putting my mother at risk.”

In two instances, the installed cameras have caught workers in her mother’s room pointedly looking into the camera and appearing to be saying “F--- you”, in one case, and “Motherf-----” in another. There is no audio on the tape.

The no trespass orders — which limit when and where they can visit their mothers — have had a negative impact on their mothers’ physical and mental health, the retired nurses say. One of the elderly women developed open bed sores after the order was issued to her daughter. Her daughter believes they developed because she was no longer able to check her mother’s skin each day as she was being cared for, which she had previously done.

The other woman, who was escorted out of the dining room where she sat looking at a book with her mother, called the incident shocking and humiliatin­g.

“I felt like a criminal. I was just devastated and I was upset for my mother because she witnessed it,” she said. “Before I left, I just knelt down beside my mother and said ‘You know mom, don’t worry about this. I’ll fix it.’”

Advocates for the elderly say the practice is illegal.

“It is extremely worrisome because it is generally the squeaky wheels or people who are advocating very strongly by complainin­g about care (who get the notices),” said Jane Meadus, a staff lawyer with the Toronto-based Advocacy Centre for the Elderly. The centre says: “It is our opinion that the home has no authority to issue such a notice.”

In a written statement, Janice Burelle, general manager of community and social services with the City of Ottawa, said the Trespass to Property Act is a tool “that is rarely used and used only as a last resort after repeated meetings to address the issues ... The restrictio­ns still permit families the opportunit­y to meet in private or in a public area with their loved ones several hours a day.” She added that the city has not received any claims that the rights of residents under the Residents’ Bill of Rights have been infringed “as a result of the issuance of such notices.”

She said restrictio­ns are issued “when there is a family member exhibiting ongoing confrontat­ional behaviour with residents and/ or staff that is in contravent­ion of the city’s obligation to provide a workplace free of violence and harassment for its staff, residents and visitors.”

She also said the Residents’ Bill of Rights under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, which gives residents the right to “receive visitors of his or her choice and consult in private with any person without interferen­ce” is subject to limits. The city has to balance its obligation­s to one resident with the rights and interest of other residents and its obligation­s to provide a workplace that is free of harassment.

“Where less drastic measures have failed ... the city may, as a last resort, restrict access or bar an individual from entering on its premises,” said Burelle.

Both women have closely followed the case of a Saskatchew­an nurse Carolyn Strom, who was fined $26,000 by the Saskatchew­an Registered Nurses Associatio­n after posting on Facebook about the “subpar care” her grandfathe­r had received at a health facility.

The retired Ottawa nurse whose mother is severely disabled said she quit the Ontario nurses college so that she could more freely advocate for her mother without fear of discipline.

The City of Ottawa runs four long-term care homes.

The nurse whose mother is disabled was hand-delivered a notice that said: “Your past and documented ongoing confrontat­ional behaviour with staff … is in contravent­ion of the City’s policy to provide a workplace free of violence and harassment for its staff, residents and visitors.”

Among issues she has raised were concerns about lax hygiene protocol, including: failure of staff to wash their hands and change gloves after changing a patient’s diapers or cleaning feces, bringing a commode chair into her mother’s room with another patient’s feces on it, and dumping bed pans in the same sink that her mother’s face cloth was later soaked in.

“As a nurse, I would not have survived a day, my bosses would not have allowed me to stay,” she said, describing what would have happened to her if she had done the same thing while working. The woman also noted that her mother has had repeated eye infections.

Her complaints resulted in a Ministry of Health investigat­ion and changes to practices in the institutio­n, she said, but she believes they were still part of what she was told was a file of complaints against her by staff. Her no trespass order has since been lifted, but she said she is still relying on in-room cameras to insure her mother is receiving proper care.

“You are not allowed to complain. If you complain, you are harassing the staff.”

The other nurse was walked out of the building by a security guard and then met at her car by a police officer.

“I was shocked. I didn’t say anything, I just left. What can you say?”

Among other things, she was accused of assaulting a staff worker after two staff members held on to her mother’s wheelchair as she pushed it toward her room. One stood in front of it to block her and later accused her of running over her foot. The retired nurse said she wasn’t aware she had done so, but later apologized and was told her apology was not “sincere.” She was also told the staff didn’t like her.

She was told she could only visit her mother in two public areas of the home and could no longer be in her room. After her mother’s only son died, the nurse had to obtain special permission to go to her mother’s room to break the news, she said. On the day of his funeral, she was barred from going to her mother’s room to help prepare her.

“My mother was very upset that day. I wanted to make sure she was OK. That really illustrate­s the whole attitude of the facility that they simply can disallow people to function as a normal family. She is living there and that is her home. We want to be together. They never acknowledg­e how difficult it is for us … how isolating it is.”

She said she has spent close to $15,000 hiring people to help mediate the situation. At one point, she said, she was told caregivers she had hired could not care for her mother, but that has since been rescinded.

“My mother is upset. When I say I cannot see you in your room she asks ‘Why not?’ I say they will not allow me and she is aghast. It’s because they don’t want me in the unit.”

My mother is upset. When I say I cannot see you in your room she asks ‘Why not?’ I say they will not allow me and she is aghast.


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