Ottawa Citizen

Geography should unify all Canadians

- ANDREW COHEN Andrew Cohen is a journalist and author of Two Days in June: John F. Kennedy and the 48 Hours That Made History.

In 2017, Canada is revisiting its story of the last century and a half. It’s what nations do on big birthdays.

In a less diverse, less self-conscious country, our historical narrative was largely accepted without challenge. Now those left out — Aboriginal­s, immigrants — demand to hear their own, too. It means competing narratives that we try, earnestly, to reconcile through a documentar­y series on the CBC or the new galleries of the Canadian Museum of History.

But here’s another idea: in this momentous year, why not focus on geography? Why not celebrate the land — its beauty, its uniqueness, its diversity?

History is a minefield; much as we must teach it, we’ll never all accept and embrace it. Geography, though, is motherhood. It is mountains, forests, prairie, coastlines, lakes, rivers and oceans. If we find divisions in our history, we find unity in our geography.

It makes geography an opportunit­y: to talk about the wilderness, to encourage Canadians to discover it, to consider the notion that what makes Canada extraordin­ary is less us than the land we occupy — and the duty this bountiful birthright confers on us.

We sit in the second largest country in the world, with so many blessings: a temperate climate, abundant fresh water, rich soil, vast timberland­s, fossil fuels and precious metals. We face no earthquake­s, hurricanes, typhoons, volcanoes, drought. Perversely, Canada may be a beneficiar­y of global warming, extending the agricultur­al season.

For the most part, Canada is big, empty, cold and inhospitab­le, which is why 80 per cent of Canadians live in cities by the U.S. border. We have learned to endure snowstorms, landslides and floods.

On the whole, though, we are blessed with a magnificen­t piece of real estate. It has given us a security — both from want and from unwanted forces, such as mass migration and foreign invasion. What we have everywhere is beauty, an intoxicati­ng, incandesce­nt beauty. All nations make that boast, but we have more than most.

Beauty is Lake Temagami, in northern Ontario — brooding and moody, full of sharptooth­ed shoals, where rusticator­s for a century have sought a sliver of summer on hundreds of islands. They do the same in Georgian Bay, Lake of the Woods, the Laurentian­s and the Eastern Townships.

Beauty is Cape Breton Island, particular­ly the Cabot Trail, one of the two prettiest drives in Canada. It is the shimmering fiords of Gros Morne in Newfoundla­nd, Virginia Falls on the Nahanni River in the Northwest Territorie­s, the sub-Arctic glaciers of Kluane, the fearsome expanse of James Bay (though the view from the train from Cochrane is a numbing tableau of muskeg).

Beauty is the sweep of the Gaspé Peninsula and the windswept Iles-de-la-Madeleine, washed by the storied St. Lawrence. It is the roiling Bay of Fundy and the graceful south shore of Nova Scotia.

Beauty is the Icefields Parkway, between Banff and Jasper, where the Athabasca Glacier is retreating. It is the undulating hills of southwest Alberta, cresting at Waterton Lakes. Seeing it on a horse, as I did, is an unforgetta­ble ride.

Going north, it is the Rockies, which I visit every year, to see the Valley of the Ten Peaks and the azure waters of the Lake O’Hara and Lake Louise. The Larch Meadows. The Vermillion Lakes.

Fortunatel­y, much of this is protected within 39 national parks and eight national reserves. Waiving entrance fees this year was an inspired idea. National parks are to natural beauty what public libraries are to knowledge: an exercise in democracy, a gift to the people to learn and enjoy.

As we contemplat­e the future, let’s consider ways for an urban people to see more of Canada. Expand the park system, creating parks near cities around woods and wetlands. Make outdoor excursions part of the high school curriculum. Abolish entrance fees to parks permanentl­y. Create cheaper air travel so Canadians can get around affordably. Create a once-in-a lifetime personal tax credit for travel within Canada.

What could be better for understand­ing this country than knowing its land? Now, more than ever, geography is unity.

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