Ottawa Citizen




The resignatio­n of one of the five commission­ers of the national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women has prompted calls for the commission to be restructur­ed, for the chief commission­er to step down — and, from some quarters, for more patience.

But as the list of resignatio­ns grows longer, there’s no clear consensus from Indigenous leaders about what changes, if any, need to be made and what direction the inquiry should take.

Marilyn Poitras, a Métis law professor at the University of Saskatchew­an, resigned in a letter sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett, saying she was “unable to perform (her) duties as a commission­er with the process designed in its current structure.” Her resignatio­n is effective July 15.

In a statement, Poitras said the inquiry is upholding “the status quo colonial model of hearings,” and that her vision for the inquiry “is shared (by) very few.”

In response, Francyne Joe, interim president of the Native Women’s Associatio­n of Canada, is calling for the inquiry to be restructur­ed and to focus on families instead of taking a “legalistic approach.”

“It’s very disappoint­ing that it might take this resignatio­n for the commission­ers … to rethink how they’re working this inquiry,” she said in an interview. “They need to figure out what is going wrong internally.”

Others have gone further. Sheila North Wilson, a grand chief of an organizati­on representi­ng First Nations in northern Manitoba, has called for Buller herself to step down.

But Joe suggested that could do more damage than good.

“If we do a reset, I’m concerned that families are just going to walk away from this inquiry,” she said. She believes the government should appoint another commission­er of Métis heritage, and should even consider naming a sixth commission-er.

Bennett has not confirmed whether a new commission­er will be appointed, but told reporters Tuesday that the inquiry is prepared to move ahead with four commission­ers.

Still, others are urging the public to stick with the commission. In a statement, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples National Chief Robert Bertrand said he remains optimistic.

“This inquiry cannot afford to fail,” he said. “There is too much at stake for Indigenous families across Canada.”

Liberal MP Robert-Falcon Ouellette, who is Cree, said that while the resignatio­n is “worrying,” the commission­ers should be given a chance to complete their work. He pointed to parallels between the present turmoil at the national inquiry and the early days of the truth and reconcilia­tion commission.

In 2008, the chair of the original truth and reconcilia­tion commission resigned, saying his two commission­ers didn’t respect his authority. A few months later, both commission­ers also stepped down.

A second panel was named in June 2009 with former judge Murray Sinclair, now a senator, as its chair.

Despite that upheaval, Ouellette said, the commission went on to produce “outstandin­g work.”

“They were able to reach a wide audience, they were able to communicat­e what was going on, they were able to change public policy,” he said.

He believes the same could still hold true for the national inquiry.

But he wants to hear more from the commission­ers about how they’re going to address concerns about the inquiry’s progress.

“This is not something they’re going to be able to push aside and hope it goes away.”

If anything, Ouellette said, the recent resignatio­ns of several of the inquiry’s staff members are more worrisome than the loss of a commission­er.

“If you continue to have a rolling through of your employees, it’s not going to give the success that you’re looking for,” he said. “You can’t operate large structures … without a certain amount of continuity.”

Executive director Michèle Moreau, director of operations Chantale Courcy, director of communicat­ions Sue Montgomery and manager of community relations Tanya Kappo have all resigned from the inquiry in recent weeks.

At this point, there is no indication from the national inquiry that any major changes are in the works. The commission intends to “forge ahead” with its plans for the summer and fall, according to a statement released Tuesday.

“We thank Marilyn Poitras for her contributi­ons up until this point. However, we want to reassure the public that now, more than ever, we remain focused on this tremendous­ly important work,” chief commission­er Marion Buller said.

In Ottawa, Bennett said she was impressed by the commission’s plan during a meeting with the commission­ers Monday.

She did concede that communicat­ion has been a problem, but said many families still see the inquiry as the “chance of a lifetime.”

Bennett has limited power to intervene beyond appointing and dismissing commission­ers, as it functions independen­tly from the government.

She said the commission­ers have told her that their interim report, due in November, will be completed on time.

Last week, Buller announced a schedule of hearings to take place across Canada this fall. She insisted the inquiry is moving at “lightning speed,” given the scope of its mandate.

 ?? FRED CHARTRAND / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Marilyn Poitras announced her resignatio­n Tuesday as one of the commission­ers of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
FRED CHARTRAND / THE CANADIAN PRESS Marilyn Poitras announced her resignatio­n Tuesday as one of the commission­ers of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

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