Ottawa Citizen


Mixes elements of martyrdom, devout living


VATICAN CITY • Pope-Francis has added a fourth pathway to possible sainthood: people who lived a good Catholic life and who freely accepted a certain and premature death for the good of others.

Until now, gaining considerat­ion for sainthood in the Catholic Church required martyrdom, living a life of heroic values or — less frequently invoked — having a clear saintly reputation.

The Vatican announced Tuesday that the Pope has issued a law on his own initiative — known as a mutu proprio — adding the fourth route.

Examples of people who might fall into that category include those who take the place of someone condemned to death or expectant mothers with fatal diseases who suspend treatment so their babies can be born.

While John Paul II streamline­d the canonizati­on process, Archbishop Marcello Bartolucci, an official of the Vatican’s Congregati­on of the Causes for Saints, noted in L’Osservator­e Romano that the norms for beatificat­ion — the first step toward sainthood — have been in place for centuries.

However, the three pathways “don’t seem sufficient to interpret all of the cases of possible saints to be canonized,” he wrote, acknowledg­ing the new route incorporat­es both elements of martyrdom and living a life of heroic values, without being fully covered by either.

Under the new category, a miracle must be attributed to the candidate’s intercessi­on prior to beatificat­ion. Martyrdom — being killed out of hatred for the faith — does not require a miracle.

The pathway could apply to cases like that of Chiara Corbella, a young Italian woman who died in 2012.

She had insisted on continuing with two pregnancie­s despite being told the fetuses were deformed, losing both at birth. Diagnosed with cancer when she was pregnant for a third time, she had forgone chemothera­py and other treatments to safeguard the life of her son, Francesco, who was born safely.

Friends started an associatio­n last month, on the fifth anniversar­y of her death, to seek her beatificat­ion.

On the weekend, the Pope also issued guidelines on what kinds of bread and wafers should be used during communion. His letter, published Saturday, caused a stir because it said the communion host cannot be glutenfree. It reaffirmed the policy that churches can use low-gluten wafers instead.

The Catholic Church holds communion, also called the Eucharist, at every mass as a recognitio­n of Jesus’ Last Supper. Catholics receive bread and wine, believing that they are receiving the literal body and blood of Christ.

Some Catholics have discussed whether the church should consider if the bread could be made of something else, like rice, or whether the wine could be made from the sap of palm trees.

 ??  ?? Pope Francis
Pope Francis

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