Ottawa Citizen

Canada’s next governor general has got it all



For a government that operates as if it were making the movie version of itself, the appointmen­t of Julie Payette as Canada’s next Governor General is perfect: she is straight out of central casting.

“She is trained to fly fighter jets, has two engineerin­g degrees, has sung with the Montreal Symphony and became one of the most respected astronaut leaders in what was then still a very macho top-gun world of NASA,” said one former Canada Space Agency colleague.

I wrote about who might be David Johnston’s successor two weeks ago, suggesting it would not be an Indigenous woman, as had been widely speculated, because the government found someone “too spectacula­r to say no to.”

At the time, I advanced the idea that it might be the former commander of the Internatio­nal Space Station, Chris Hadfield. Turns out I backed the wrong astronaut.

Payette is, by any standard, spectacula­r. As Canada’s 29th Governor General she will provide inspiratio­n for a country looking for vision and imaginatio­n in its public figures.

A mother, an engineer and the chief astronaut for the Canadian Space Agency who logged more than 25 days in space, she is eminently qualified to personify the image this government would like to project at home and abroad — smart, dignified and diverse. As Trudeau knows as well as any movie director, casting is storytelli­ng.

The 53-year-old Montrealer also benefits from being a multilingu­al Quebecer.

Trudeau constantly repeats the refrain that no relationsh­ip is more important to him than the one with Indigenous peoples. He has consistent­ly failed to live up to that statement.

The reality is, the most important relationsh­ip for all prime ministers is that between English and French Canada. It was Quebec’s turn, simple as that. The Liberals hold 40 of 78 ridings in the province and have designs on the rest.

Roberta Jamieson, who would have been a leading Indigenous candidate, said the appointmen­t of a new governor general was an opportunit­y to make a “powerful statement” — one that would keep the reconcilia­tion process moving forward. But while Jamieson and other Indigenous candidates may speak their own languages, if they do not speak flawless French it effectivel­y ends their prospects.

Despite its good intentions, this government has now passed over Indigenous candidates for vacant Supreme Court and vice-regal positions. As with so many other things, it talks a good game but is easily distracted by glittering prizes.

Still, Payette has many qualities to commend her, quite apart from the fact she didn’t previously work for CBC/Radio-Canada, as so many of her Liberal-appointed predecesso­rs have.

In her press conference with Trudeau outside the Senate chamber Thursday, she admitted it will be hard following in the footsteps of “giants,” particular­ly her immediate predecesso­r, David Johnston.

He has personifie­d, in Trudeau’s words, “hard work, grace and humility” — consistent­ly summing up the mood of the country when called upon at events like the conclusion of the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission inquiry.


He has done so while remaining above the political fray, serving as governor general during the tenure of two very different prime ministers without being dragged into public discussion­s about government policy.

He will leave as one of Canada’s longest serving governors general, one who was asked to extend his service ahead of the 2015 election in case there was a minority government that required an experience­d viceroy.

Payette cannot match the constituti­onal experience of her predecesso­r. But, as Stephen Harper said of Johnston, she also represents the “best of Canada.”

She will bring the energy and enthusiasm that has made her infuriatin­gly accomplish­ed at everything she does — from her profession­al technical skills as an engineer in advanced robotics to her linguistic and musical abilities.

People who know her say she possesses a rare combinatio­n of charisma, warmth and modesty, more at home in cowboy boots and a dusty old Jeep than the heels and limos she will have to get used to.

“She would speak to auditorium­s full of schoolkids about flying in space and pursuing careers in science and engineerin­g. The reaction to her was stunning. Imagine 300 kids and dead silence for 30 minutes, eyes glued on her. Anecdotall­y, a lot of those kids, particular­ly young girls, were inspired to go into science,” her former CSA colleague said.

Payette said she hoped she will be given some time to get a feel for the position, but hinted her focus will be in the area of science and technology.

For a government mired in controvers­y over the Khadr settlement and the increasing­ly aimless Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women inquiry, the news that Canada’s own rocket woman will become its next commander-in-chief was a welcome distractio­n.

It was almost as if it were timed to bury the bad news, in true Wag the Dog fashion.

Maybe it was serendipit­y. But, in the words of the great Yogi Berra, “That’s too coincident­al to be a coincidenc­e.”

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