Ottawa Citizen

Jaw broken in bus brawl, man seeks justice

- KELLY EGAN To contact Kelly Egan, please call 613-726-5896 or email kegan@

A Barrhaven man is still recovering from a beating inflicted on an OC Transpo bus after the troublefil­led Bluesfest concert on July 13.

Adam Farsijani, 21, says he’s in constant pain from a broken jaw and a possible concussion suffered at about 11:30 p.m. on the No. 95 near Fallowfiel­d station.

Video provided to the family by other passengers show two men wrestling and striking Farsijani as the trio stand in the rear aisle of the articulate­d bus. As he stands up from a bent, hog-tied position, the images show a powerful blow to the side of his bloodied face.

Moments later, the bus stops at Fallowfiel­d and, amid shouting from other passengers, the assailants get off. After leaving a trail of blood on the bus floor, Farsijani exited one stop later, taking refuge on a bench, barely conscious. An ambulance soon arrived.

Farsijani’s family is concerned with OC Transpo’s response, the treatment at Queensway-Carleton Hospital and the pace of the police investigat­ion.

“They think that nothing is going to happen to them,” Farsijani said. “I’m sucking out of a straw and they’re back going to Bluesfest.”

One of the men who struck him was an old neighbourh­ood acquaintan­ce and Farsinaji said he was able to provide the names of the two to Ottawa police, who say they’ve viewed the video and continue to investigat­e.

Adam admits he had been drinking that night. He said he and the acquaintan­ce began “chirping” at each other on what sounds like a rowdy ride home from LeBreton Flats.

“They’re telling me: ‘Watch when we get to Fallowfiel­d. Watch when we get to Fallowfiel­d.’ ” And, indeed, the altercatio­n starts just before the station when bumps led to shoves, then grabbing and punching.

He was taken by ambulance to the Queensway-Carleton, where he was met by his mother Renata, 53. He had a fractured jaw, a dislocated nose, bruising on his ribs, back, arm, a fractured tooth, a tender spot on his head and what appears to be a concussion.

His face was so banged up, he was unable to swallow a pain pill, Renata said. After the X-ray found a fracture, Renata said they were directed to call a plastic surgeon on Monday.

They left the hospital at 2 or 3 a.m., she said, but Adam was in discomfort all night, suffering from nausea, headaches and disorienta­tion. After a sleepless night, with little pain relief, she took him to the Civic campus of the Ottawa Hospital at about 6 p.m. Friday, first stopping at the Elgin Street police station to have evidentiar­y photos taken.

After hours of waiting, she said a CT-scan was performed, finding a second fracture in the jaw. He underwent surgery Saturday night and his jaw is now wired shut. Renata, who has four other children, said she barely slept during the first 48 hours.

“Every time I close my eyes, I see his (bloody) face.” She wonders why the OC operator did not stop the bus or call security when the loud commotion erupted onboard. She is dismayed, too, that no passenger came to Adam’s aid.

“You have time to take video but you don’t have time to react? He could have been killed.”

Adam’s headaches, meanwhile, persist — leading to fears of longterm concussion effects — and he’s been unable to work. He’s also on a liquid diet and looking at followup dental work.

“I have three jobs. I pay for my car, my phone and I’m worried I’m not going to be compensate­d for this.”

OC Transpo, meanwhile, says the incident was handled according to standard protocols.

“At approximat­ely 11:35 p.m. the bus operator, while departing Fallowfiel­d station, was advised by passengers on board the bus that there was an altercatio­n taking place at the back of the bus. In accordance with our incident response protocols, the operator reported the incident to the Transit Operations Control Centre and requested assistance,” says a written response from Jim Babe, manager of OC Transpo’s Special Constable Unit.

“When an incident is reported, Transit Operations Control Centre then advises the operator as to the appropriat­e next steps, depending on the specifics of the situation. In most cases, the bus operator will be advised to stop at a safe location and wait for Special Constables, Transit Supervisor­s or other emergency response partners to arrive at the scene of the incident,” he continued.

“In this case, the operator was advised to pull over at the next safe location, Longfields Station, and remain on location for emergency response personnel, OPS and Transit Special Constables, OPS, EMS and Transit Supervisor­s to attend the scene.”

Adam said he and his attackers were at the performanc­e by the Atlanta hip-hop trio Migos, a show noteworthy for the crushing crowds, thrown objects and fan unruliness.

 ?? WAYNE CUDDINGTON ?? Attack victim Adam Farsijani.
WAYNE CUDDINGTON Attack victim Adam Farsijani.
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