Ottawa Citizen

Liberal tax plan isn’t about fairness

Populist changes will hurt doctors and farmers

- RANDALL DENLEY Randall Denley is an Ottawa commentato­r and novelist. Contact him at randallden­

Ontario doctors have to spend so much time fighting with government it’s a wonder there is any left to see patients.

First it was arbitrary reductions in their fees by the provincial government. Now it’s the federal government proposing plans that would significan­tly reduce their take-home pay and ability to save for their retirement.

And it’s not just doctors, either. The proposed federal tax changes will affect small businesspe­ople and farmers across the country.

For many years, individual­s have been allowed to incorporat­e, allowing them to take part of their income as corporate profits, capital gains and dividends, all of which are taxed at a lower rate than the personal income taxes that employees pay. They can also distribute those dividends to a partner, typically their spouse. Corporatio­ns are allowed to accumulate money that can be drawn down later. For doctors, this is their retirement fund, since they have no pension plan.

Finance Minister Bill Morneau says this is not fair, and he wants to tax business owners in much the same way as employees. The proposed changes would bring the government an additional $250 million a year, but it’s not about that, we’re told, it’s all about fairness.

Doctors and other business owners are taking advantage of the system, Morneau suggests. Canada’s small business taxes are low so that companies can grow and hire more people, not so owners can make more money. This is a fine illustrati­on of a point that government consistent­ly fails to get.

People run a business to make money, not to expand the economy. They hire when they need people, not because taxes are low. As the former head of a significan­t business, Morneau surely understand­s that.

If the minister wants to make the tax system fair, he has picked an odd place to start. In a fair tax system, everyone would pay the same percentage of income as taxes. The person earning $100,000 would pay twice as much as the one earning $50,000. It’s not that simple in Canada. Our tax system increases the percentage you pay as your income goes up.

Morneau is fond of saying that high earners should pay their “fair share” of taxes, but what share would that be? The top 10 per cent earn 35 per cent of Canada’s total income but pay 54 per cent of income taxes. Is that fair?

Morneau lauds his government’s Canada Child Benefit, and yet this benefit, which pays up to $6,400 a child, is tax free. Compare that to the Old Age Security for seniors, which is fully taxable. Fair?

How about special tax treatment for clergy, volunteer firefighte­rs or self-employed fishermen? Lots of Canadians get some kind of unique tax treatment, so why single out the self-employed?

It’s easy to see why doctors are particular­ly upset about these changes.

Incorporat­ion was something encouraged by the Ontario government in 2000, in lieu of a fee increase. The provincial government has always gone out of its way to make clear that doctors are independen­t contractor­s, not employees who should expect benefits and pensions. The trade-off has been the tax reduction that comes from incorporat­ion.

Now, the federal government proposes to tax doctors like employees while giving them none of the benefits. It’s difficult to call that fair, especially when most doctors have built businesses based on the existing rules.

Whether the business in question is a medical clinic, a farm or a corner store, husbands and wives share the risks and rewards of their family enterprise. The Liberals say their plan will be subject to a gender audit, but any plan that says wives can’t receive dividends from their husband’s corporatio­ns will fail that unusual test.

People creating personal corporatio­ns are not exploiting a loophole, as Morneau implies. They are following the rules the government created. Raising their taxes might a crowd-pleasing piece of populism, but that doesn’t make it fair.

Instead, it’s just pandering to what Morneau’s discussion paper calls “a sense that some may be getting a better deal than others.”

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