Ottawa Citizen


UN speech avoids hot issues

- TERRY GLAVIN Terry Glavin is a journalist and author.

In his address to the 72nd United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau succeeded in ingratiati­ng himself with the presidents of mid-level democracie­s, ruthless dictators and mass murderers alike. He delivered a magnificen­t performanc­e that pleased everyone and offended no one.

Trudeau’s emphasis on his government’s efforts to address the long-standing alienation and impoverish­ment of Canada’s Indigenous communitie­s struck just the right tone of contrition and earnestnes­s.

“There are, today, children living on reserves in Canada who cannot safely drink, or bathe in, or even play in the water that comes out of their taps,” Trudeau said. In some communitie­s, parents can’t put their kids to bed at night without worrying whether they will have run away by morning, or have committed suicide during the night, “and for far too many Indigenous women, life in Canada includes threats of violence so frequent and severe that Amnesty Internatio­nal has called it ‘a human rights crisis.’”

Trudeau hit all the right notes, casting his government’s remedies directly in the context of his passionate enthusiasm for the UN’s own various program goals and priorities. The federal government’s success in lifting drinking water advisories and building more houses on Indian reserves is fully in line with the UN’s sustainabl­e developmen­t goals. Even the recent division of the old Indian Affairs Department into a new Department of Indigenous Services and a Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs is an act of happy compliance with the UN Declaratio­n of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which Canada formally agreed to adopt 15 months ago.

No one’s feelings were hurt, everyone was delighted, and that was the whole point. It has been the whole point of Trudeau’s time in New York this week, which has been given over entirely to the pursuit of the prestige he imagines Canada will gain by winning a temporary two-year seat on the 15-member UN Security Council in 202122, in a race against Ireland and Norway. Back in 2010, it was supposed to have been a terrible blow to Canada’s global standing when Stephen Harper’s Conservati­ve government lost its bid for a Security Council seat. The prize went to Portugal instead, and according to myth, there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth from Newfoundla­nd to British Columbia.

But now, “Canada is back,” as Trudeau and his admirers keep saying, and so Trudeau made no mention Thursday of the main crisis facing the UN General Assembly: the looming nuclear crisis that has been brought to a head by North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, who only a few days ago threatened to “sink” Japan and reduce the United States to ashes and shadows. On Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump reciprocat­ed, in his fashion, by warning that if it comes to it, the U.S. will “total destroy” North Korea.

Neither did Trudeau mention the crisis in Myanmar, where something approachin­g a fullscale genocide of that country’s Rohingya Muslim minority since Aug. 25 has plunged Rakhine state into a nightmare of indiscrimi­nate murder and torched villages. Nearly 600,000 people, roughly half of Myanmar’s entire Rohingya population, have been forced to find shelter in overflowin­g, makeshift camps in neighbouri­ng Bangladesh. The catastroph­e has been carried out under the authority of disgraced Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s state counsellor — an honorary Canadian citizen.

Trudeau said nothing about any of that, and said absolutely nothing about anything that is central to the largely subverted purpose of the United Nations, which was establishe­d in 1945 to prevent war and genocide and to safeguard the fundamenta­l human rights of people everywhere against the depredatio­ns of tyrant states. Trudeau said nothing on Thursday about the ongoing mass murder of Syrian civilians by Russia, Iran and the mass murderer Bashar Assad. He said nothing about China’s brutal persecutio­n of human rights lawyers, Christians, Uyghur Muslims, workers’ rights activists and university professors.

One must take care to be polite and charming and debonair, and Justin Trudeau is eminently qualified in these talents.

A self-proclaimed champion of the fundamenta­l human rights of gay people, Trudeau was perfectly pleasant on Wednesday in his meeting and photo opportunit­y with Yoweri Museveni, the strongman-president of Uganda, who has seen to it that if you are accused of being gay and convicted, you will be sentenced to life in prison.

Trudeau was similarly courteous and agreeable when he met Wednesday with Emomali Rahmon, president of Tajikistan, where you will go to jail for five years if you insult Rahmon, whose regime also controls the names your parents are permitted to give you when you are born and the exact number of people allowed to attend your funeral when you die. Tajikistan is currently in the throes of “the worst political and religious crackdown” in decades, Human Rights Watch notes.

But one mustn’t raise these indelicate subjects. There are votes to be secured in the contest for a useless Security Council seat. Canada’s internatio­nal prestige is at stake. Our global standing is on the line.

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 ?? KEVIN HAGEN/GETTY IMAGES ?? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a stellar performanc­e but failed to address the world’s crises, says Terry Glavin.
KEVIN HAGEN/GETTY IMAGES Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a stellar performanc­e but failed to address the world’s crises, says Terry Glavin.
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