Ottawa Citizen

Former seniors worker ‘deeply sorry’ for assault


Speaking through a translator, former personal support worker Jie Xiao stood in an Ottawa courtroom on Thursday in front of the children and grandchild­ren of the elderly man he assaulted to tell them he was “deeply sorry” for what he had done.

Raghida Karam, whose elderly father Georges Karam was being cared for by Xiao at Gerry J. Armstrong long-term care home when he was struck in the face 11 times last March, quietly said, “Thank you.”

The brief exchange took place during a sentencing hearing for Xiao, in which court heard of the pain and shock experience­d by the family when they saw the video of the assault against 89-year-old Karam, who has Parkinson’s disease and suffers from dementia.

“I would have never imagined on August 27, 2015, when my brother Fouad, my sister Raghida, and I moved our dad to long-term care due to his severe dementia after a long stay in hospital, that I would be standing today in this courtroom giving a victim impact statement to relay the hurt and shock that has been suffered by my dad’s family and friends here and overseas in Lebanon, as a result of the ruthless and senseless act of Mr. Xiao,” said Antoine Karam, the victim’s son.

“As a PSW, Mr. Xiao was entrusted with taking care of my elderly father and others at Gary Armstrong. Rather than show compassion and care as his job requires him to, he vented his anger toward my defenceles­s and demented father,” he said.

The incident shocked many and was one catalyst for engagement sessions and strategies to improve care at city-run long-term care homes in Ottawa.

Crown attorney Riad Tallim called the incident caught on video “morally reprehensi­ble. I find what I see disturbing and it causes me emotional upset.

“It is difficult for us as members of the community to view that video. It is devastatin­g to members of Mr. Karam’s family,” he added.

“I feel their pain,” he said of the family, adding it amazed him to hear family members speak in terms of forgiving Xiao’s actions.

Xiao, court heard, is a 44-yearold married father of two young children who came to Canada from China in 2003. Last year, his wife returned to school full-time to work on her PhD, which put additional financial strain on Xiao, said his lawyer, although he added that the stress was not an excuse for what he had done. Court heard that he tried to get counsellin­g through his employee assistance program at work, but was turned down because it was considered an isolated incident.

Tallim said Xiao’s decision to plead guilty, his expression­s of remorse, and his attempt to receive counsellin­g were all mitigating factors.

In front of a picture of a young Georges Karam in police uniform taken in Lebanon in the 1960s, Xiao told the family he wanted to “express my deepest apology” for his actions.

“I admit all my guilt and I will accept what sentence your honour would impose on me.”

Tallim encouraged Justice Julie Bourgeois to send a message that people entrusted with care of the vulnerable “have an obligation not to take advantage and not to hurt these vulnerable people that we entrust you with.” He said that message is especially important “at a time when many people will be entering their senior years and will become vulnerable.”

He recommende­d Xiao be sentenced to three months in jail and 18 months’ probation. Bourgeois is scheduled to sentence Xiao on Oct. 20.

 ?? TONY CALDWELL ?? Jie Xiao leaves the Ottawa court house Thursday. The former personal support worker pleaded guilty to punching Georges Karam in the Gerry J. Armstrong long-term care home.
TONY CALDWELL Jie Xiao leaves the Ottawa court house Thursday. The former personal support worker pleaded guilty to punching Georges Karam in the Gerry J. Armstrong long-term care home.

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