Ottawa Citizen

City nursing homes’ reviewer doesn’t expect to look at broader picture


Greg Fougère has five months to tell the city government what’s wrong in its long-term care homes, helping to restore confidence in them after a summer of scandals.

The timeline is “very tight,” he said Wednesday, his first on the job as an independen­t reviewer of how the city runs its four nursing homes. The former leader of the Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre owes a report by the end of March.

Although he says he’s been given no restrictio­ns on what he can examine, he expects to focus on how the nursing homes operate. Not on, for instance, how we care for people with dementia, or whether government­s pay enough for nursing-home care.

Outside pressures that contribute to blowups inside the walls aren’t really in his ambit.

“What I’ve been engaged for is very specific to the four homes. It’s very specific in terms of looking into matters related to physical, verbal, emotional and sexual abuse that needs to be prevented in their four homes. And there’s more work to do,” he said.

City manager Steve Kanellakos and his deputy in charge of social services, Janice Burelle, started looking for Fougère at the end of September, when they fired three workers at the Peter D. Clark long-term care home.

Earlier, a personal-support worker at the Garry J. Armstrong nursing home pleaded guilty to assault after being caught on video punching an unco-operative resident who has dementia.

Other people told stories of concealed injuries and neglect, which ended up with an unusual set of orders from the provincial health ministry telling the city to clean up its act forthwith. The orders ranged from how nurses supervise less-credential­ed workers to how the city handles dementia care for people from different cultural background­s.

After months of work, staff meetings and retraining, Burelle thought she had the situation in hand. Then along came a recording from the Peter D. Clark home, featuring a worker asking a resident why she hadn’t died yet.

The recording itself was made on a camera installed by the resident’s daughter, who’d been barred from the home after complainin­g about her mother’s care.

So here’s Fougère, who spent 17 years at the head of the PerleyRide­au, the biggest long-term care facility in Ottawa, having worked his way up into administra­tion from the bottom.

“I used to work in long-term care homes back in the early ’80s as a social worker. I go back to, actually the late ’70s, when I started my career as a nursing orderly at the St-Vincent Hospital,” he said. “So I’ve provided the care the front-line staff are providing. I’ve provided the care the personal-support workers are providing. And so I’m going in with a lot of firsthand experience in this field.” He has to get cracking. “The first thing I’m doing over the next four weeks is going into the four homes at different times of day and familiariz­ing myself, interactin­g with residents, family, staff, volunteers, people that come to the residentia­l care units, and over that same period of time I’m reviewing the documentat­ion and files, which on Day One I haven’t had time to see.”

He was set up in a borrowed office at city hall, doing short rapid-fire interviews during which he was pleasant, avuncular, carefully unforthcom­ing about his thinking.

He led the Perley-Rideau in the late 2000s when personal-support workers were charged with violently abusing patients and another was charged with trying to intimidate witnesses.

“One thing I’ve learned in my career is no situation is the same. You have to go in with a set of fresh eyes,” he said.

“So I will be taking that experience, that very unfortunat­e and unacceptab­le experience, along with 37 years of experience working with seniors in the community and in long-term care homes. So right now I’m staying open. I don’t want to speculate. You always have to approach these situations uniquely.”

Anything he did differentl­y as a chief executive after the arrests, he won’t discuss. That’s Perley-Rideau business and he’s no longer its chief executive.

Nor will he talk about his impression­s of the Peter D. Clark and Garry J. Armstrong homes, the Centre d’accueil Champlain and Carleton Lodge, gleaned from his decades working in the same business in the same city.

“In my past, I’ve been in roles provincial­ly that has allowed me to see long-term care homes right across the province,” he said. “So I’m familiar with homes in the city. I came to Ottawa in 1975 and this is my home. And the four city homes have had an excellent history of care and my experience over 37 years will allow me to put the rubber to the road and get into this very quickly. So, yes, I have familiarit­y, I know the city long-term care homes. I know most of them in Ottawa.”

 ?? DAVID KAWAI ?? Greg Fougère is starting a review of the city’s municipal nursing homes following a summer of complaints, firings and criminal charges over the mistreatme­nt of residents.
DAVID KAWAI Greg Fougère is starting a review of the city’s municipal nursing homes following a summer of complaints, firings and criminal charges over the mistreatme­nt of residents.
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