Ottawa Citizen


Toronto native took the hard route to get here, but now he’s playing for the Grey Cup


He doesn’t remember how old he was the first time he was homeless.

Or the first time he was starving.

Or the first time he was penniless.

Or the first time he threw a punch in frustratio­n. Although, he thinks it might have been Grade 4.

It’s all something of a blur to Jermaine Gabriel, growing up angry in Chalkfarm, a small stretch of highrises in Toronto’s North York district.

He knows what happened, he knows how it happened, he knows where he came from and how he got to the Grey Cup. Now this football kid, who refused to give in, will start in the defensive backfield of his hometown Toronto Argonauts Sunday night, a personal tribute of sorts for a story you couldn’t invent.

Gabriel had no father to speak of, was brought up by a poor single mom in one of Toronto’s most troubled neighbourh­oods. He studied guns and gangs and violence in his own way, the way some kids his age studied math and science. And he knew this wasn’t the life he aspired to.

He took a most unconventi­onal route in winding up with the Argonauts. After playing football at Cedarbrae Collegiate, there was no scholarshi­p offer awaiting Gabriel. He had to find his own way in football. He went to Bishop’s University as a walk on, made the team and started playing right away.

The football part worked. The rest didn’t.

He went to university, but admits now he didn’t buy a single textbook in his two years there. He couldn’t afford any.

When there weren’t team meals to eat, he regularly dined on what he refers to as syrup sandwiches — one piece of bread folded in two, pancake syrup playing the part of meat and lettuce, mustard and tomatoes.

He left Bishop’s after two seasons because he couldn’t pay tuition anymore and was supposed to transfer to St. Mary’s. But just as he arrived in Halifax, the head coach and the athletic director at the university were fired.

Turned out there was no money there for Gabriel, either. Instead, he took a job at a local mall as a janitor, cleaning tables in a food court.

This is where football took over, at least the community of football. Somebody familiar with Gabriel and his athletic ability was also familiar with a junior football coach in Calgary. Gabriel wound up playing for the Calgary Colts. He hoped at the time, not knowing the rules, that if he played well enough, the local CFL team, the Stampeders, would notice and sign him. There was only one additional difficulty here. Because he already played at Bishop’s, he couldn’t go from junior football to the CFL. He had to go through the draft.

With the 17th pick in the 2013 draft, the Argos selected Gabriel, and the celebratio­n began.

“After such a long road, a long journey, to get brought back to Toronto was amazing,” Gabriel said. “As soon as the draft happened, my phone blew up. My mom called and as soon as I said hello, she was just screaming in the phone. And my sisters were screaming in the phone. And everybody was screaming in the phone.

“It was such a great feeling to hear all that after all the work I’d done.”

It didn’t come without a cost along the way. Gabriel lost friends, some to prison, some to funeral homes, too many goodbyes for a man so young.

“A lot of kids growing up didn’t have the belief they could get out,” said Gabriel, 27. “It can get to you. They thought there is no way for them. It only takes one to show them the way.

“If I can be that guy, great. I always looked up to profession­al athletes, knowing I had ability, thinking, ‘Why not me? Why can’t I do it?’ I just focused on that.

“I needed to stay focused. That was challengin­g sometimes. My goal was every day not to stray from my ultimate goal, to make it out. You have some ups and downs, but you have to stay at it. I just wanted to get drafted. I just wanted a chance to play. I thought, once I got that, the rest would take care of itself.”

The rest has taken care of itself. In his fifth CFL season, Gabriel will play in his first Grey Cup Sunday.

Then he will go home. To the Mississaug­a home he moved into while preparing for the Eastern Final. His new home.

Home and settled, finally.­ve

I always looked up to profession­al athletes, knowing I had ability, thinking, ‘Why not me? Why can’t I do it?’

 ?? JULIE OLIVER ?? Bill Lundrigan, chairman of the Calgary Grey Cup Committee, rode Tuffy into the Metcalfe Hotel in Ottawa on Friday, where the horse was checked in by desk clerk Waylan Smith. Calgarians bring a horse to the Grey Cup host city each year, a tradition...
JULIE OLIVER Bill Lundrigan, chairman of the Calgary Grey Cup Committee, rode Tuffy into the Metcalfe Hotel in Ottawa on Friday, where the horse was checked in by desk clerk Waylan Smith. Calgarians bring a horse to the Grey Cup host city each year, a tradition...
 ??  ??

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