Ottawa Citizen

Future partner deserves answers


Q My fiancée keeps asking me to show her where I used to live. But I’m trying to put that part of my life behind me.

My ex-girlfriend is no longer with us. I raised her three children. Their biological father has taken his kids back and I was forced to leave the house, which was owned by her aunt.

I love my current fiancée more than anything, but she’s threatenin­g that our relationsh­ip will end or not move forward if I don’t show her or take her to the house I lived in for 18 miserable years. I want to move forward with this most amazing woman but she won’t let it go. What do I do about her demand? Ugly Past

A There’s too much mystery as to what you endured for 18 “miserable” years. That could be why your fiancée, potentiall­y about to share your life, wants to see and know more about your past.

You haven’t divulged many details here, and not enough for her either, to understand your not wanting to even let her see the house. Though your past is about you, your future, if it proceeds as you wish, will make her an equal partner. She deserves a clear explanatio­n. Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. @ellieadvic­e

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