Ottawa Citizen

What exactly is sexual misconduct? Well, that depends on who you ask

Unlike sexual assault, term has no ‘fixed line’ or defined legal consequenc­es


Patrick Brown’s fall from the leadership of the Ontario Progressiv­e Conservati­ves was sudden after allegation­s of sexual misconduct were levelled against the Simcoe North MPP on Jan. 24.

Brown is accused of sexual misconduct with two unnamed teenage girls, one a high school student and the other a university student. Brown said the accusation­s are false and he will defend himself against them. He has not been charged.

The definition of sexual misconduct is far from clear. The Citizen asked lawyers, academics and advocates to parse the complex meaning of the term.

Elaine Craig is an associate professor in the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University, where she researches and teaches on law and sexuality:

“Sexual misconduct is a lay term, sometimes used in institutio­nal policies or by profession­al bodies. It covers an array of problemati­c sexual behaviour, including sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual abuse. Two of these terms have specific (and different) legal meanings: Sexual assault has a specific meaning in the criminal law context unlike sexual misconduct, which may cover both criminal and non-criminal conduct.

“Sex assault is a legal term and constitute­s a criminal offence. In the criminal law context, sexual assault means non-consensual touching of a sexual nature. Sexual assaults are prosecuted by the Crown. One can also be sued civilly for non-consensual sexual touching. This is called sexual battery. In a civil suit, it is the victim herself who initiates the lawsuit.

“Sexual harassment is a form of workplace discrimina­tion. In Ontario, it’s defined as engaging in a course of vexatious conduct that is known or ought to be known to be unwanted. It includes making sexual jokes, asking for sexual favours, unnecessar­y physical conduct, demanding hugs, repeatedly requesting a date, using pornograph­y at work, etc. Sexual harassment claims are dealt with through a complaint process conducted by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal.”

Elizabeth Sheehy is the Shirley Greenberg Chair for Women and the Legal Profession at the University of Ottawa:

“Sexual misconduct is a social issue and not a fixed line — it shifts as women gain access to economic and political equality. It’s not found under criminal law, in human rights codes or collective agreements. It might be found under profession­al disciplina­ry codes.

“It’s clear we don’t have a consensus on it, either. I can give you a clear definition of sexual assault. But for sexual misconduct, I don’t think I could give a clear definition, except that there are three key considerat­ions. First, a power imbalance. Second, coercion, whether implicit or explicit. Third, predatory behaviour.”

Charlene Senn is a professor in applied social psychology at the University of Windsor who researches male violence against women:

“Sexual misconduct is not a term that I use or that is used in research. The concept of a ‘continuum of violence against women’ was first introduced in the ’80s. Many people have suggested that using sexual violence as an umbrella term is problemati­c, but it’s a continuum and these things have a common (nature). On the left side of the continuum, you have things that happen more frequently. On the right side, you have things that have a lower frequency and a higher societal awareness that they are problemati­c — forcible rape, for example.

“All of these acts have the common character of being genderbase­d oppressive practices. Things on the left side basically make it possible for the things on the right side of the continuum to happen. In an institutio­n, a sexual misconduct policy would include things on the right side of the continuum and those on the left side that are part of the ‘toxic environmen­t’ — displays of pornograph­y in the workplace, for example. The goal is to have people see the link between common behaviours and less common behaviours. If a girl on her way to school experience­s comments about her body, there’s no physical touching, but we know the psychologi­cal impact of the act.

“The idea of a continuum should not be taken to mean that there is a hierarchy of seriousnes­s. It’s up to the sources to say how they have been affected. It’s hard to judge from the outside.”

Ally Crockford is the public educator at the Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre:

“Sexual misconduct is a term we’re seeing a lot more often. We’re seeing it as a catch-all for behaviour that is not OK, but it’s unclear how it should be classified. It could be any number of things — someone is made to feel uncomforta­ble or they feel they are being watched or looked at in a certain way. To be honest, women know it from dayto-day life. But they can’t look at it and say there’s a legal definition.

“It speaks to a lot of anxieties that people have right now. It can give people the ability to speak about experience­s without having to define or categorize it. The question is what to do about it. In the legal system, the recourse to justice is often quite limited. We often ask people what justice looks like to them. They might say: ‘I want this person to acknowledg­e what they did.’ This is a conversati­on that people are ready for. We’ve seen in the past year people saying, ‘What this person did was monstrous.’ Are the perpetrato­rs monsters or human beings? It’s valuable just to get people talking about what happened to them and exploring the options. It might be mediation in the workplace, for example. It gives the opportunit­y to start a conversati­on when legal terms are a barrier.”

Anuradha Dugal is director of community initiative­s at the Canadian Women’s Foundation:

“The term ‘sexual misconduct’ has been used a lot in recent weeks to describe the allegation­s brought up against powerful men in Hollywood and beyond as an umbrella term for all kinds of sexual violence. At the Canadian Women’s Foundation, we use the term ‘sexual violence’ to talk about these allegation­s, not sexual misconduct. The word ‘misconduct’ does not appropriat­ely describe the seriousnes­s of the violence.

“Any language that minimizes the gravity of alleged sexual assault, harassment and other kinds of gender-based violence is dangerous. Every six days, a woman in Canada is killed by her intimate partner. Half of all women in Canada have experience­d at least one incident of physical or sexual violence since the age of 16, and 67 per cent of Canadians say they have personally known at least one woman who has experience­d physical or sexual abuse. Sexual violence can cost women their lives. We need to use words that reflect that reality.

“The word ‘misconduct’ also lacks precision — it can be used as a catch-all for all kinds of behaviour, often obscuring what actually happened. Sexual violence or sexual harassment and assault are much more specific terms that convey the nature of the allegation­s. Sexual violence, like sexual misconduct, is a non-legal term, but one that appropriat­ely describes the nature of the stories we’ve seen come forward. It can include sexual harassment at work, like unwanted touching or flirting from a co-worker or superior, to sexual threats and coercion, to rape. All women and girls deserve to live free from violence. Understand­ing what sexual violence can look like, and how to recognize it in our own lives and the lives of women around us, is an important step towards ending it for good.”

 ?? ERNEST DOROSZUK ?? Allegation­s of sexual misconduct led Patrick Brown to resign as the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve leader on Jan. 24. But the definition of sexual misconduct is far from clear, even among academics and experts.
ERNEST DOROSZUK Allegation­s of sexual misconduct led Patrick Brown to resign as the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve leader on Jan. 24. But the definition of sexual misconduct is far from clear, even among academics and experts.

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