Ottawa Citizen

‘No place in Canadian society’

Responds to report Tory brass knew of sex allegation­s


OTTAWA • Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer promised a more modern approach Monday to how the federal party deals with sexual misconduct, but left unanswered lingering questions about how a former MP was allowed to stand for election in 2015 while he was the subject of similar allegation­s.

“I cannot speak to decisions made by past campaign teams, but if the party was made aware of a sexual assault allegation today, the individual involved would be immediatel­y removed as a candidate for the Conservati­ve Party of Canada, until the results of an investigat­ion,” Scheer said.

Maclean’s magazine reported over the weekend that in 2015, the Conservati­ve party allowed Rick Dykstra to remain on the ballot even after learning that a woman had contacted police and other Conservati­ves to allege that she was assaulted by the longtime Ontario MP in 2014.

Those allegation­s came to light at the campaign’s headquarte­rs at the same time as others were circulatin­g on social media that Dykstra, who was running for re-election, had bought drinks for underage girls earlier in the campaign. None of the allegation­s have ever been proven in court.

Dykstra denied those allegation­s, but has not addressed those raised by the magazine. He did not return a request for comment.

On Twitter, his son Zach said he hoped the family could be afforded some privacy.

“There is little I can say right now except that all allegation­s of this nature always deserve to be taken very seriously,” he wrote. “I know my father plans to address these allegation­s in a serious way.”

Dykstra lost his seat in the 2015 election and went on to become president of the Ontario Progressiv­e Conservati­ve party, a position from which he resigned over the weekend before the Maclean’s story was published.

His resignatio­n followed that of Ontario Progressiv­e Conservati­ve leader Patrick Brown amid allegation­s of sexual misconduct that date back to Brown’s own time as a member of Parliament.

Scheer said Monday he knows it is difficult for women to come forward. “This sexual assault allegation is disturbing and has no place in Canadian society, especially within our political system.”

But neither he nor the party would directly address how and why Dykstra’s name remained on the ballot in 2014. Cory Hann, who has served as the official spokesman of the party since 2013, also said he would not comment on past decisions.

One longtime Conservati­ve described the situation as puzzling, given the vetting process to which candidates are subjected — even those standing for re-election.

The individual, who was not authorized to discuss campaign matters publicly, cited the example of former Tory candidate Jerry Bance, a contractor who was promptly turfed from the 2015 campaign after a 2012 video surfaced of him urinating into a mug and dumping the contents into a homeowner’s sink.

Erin O’Toole, another Ontario MP, said he was disappoint­ed in the situation.

“Elected officials have to lead by example,” he said. “We have to show such conduct and attitudes are not welcome in Ottawa.”


 ??  ?? Patrick Brown
Patrick Brown

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