Ottawa Citizen

How ‘old guys’ view the #MeToo movement


I’m one of the old guys, born in 1947 and a witness to the sexual revolution of the ’60s and ’70s, which coincided with the arrival of the birthcontr­ol pill and a generation­al shift through which female participat­ion in the workforce more than doubled from 1960 to 1980.

The macho culture that permeated much of the business world in the ’60s was a hangover from the Second World War and the masculine organizati­onal dynamics of most of the 20th century: lots of booze, cigarettes, and women in largely subservien­t positions. Secretarie­s, filing clerks, waitresses, nurses, dental assistants.

In the ’70s, it wasn’t unusual for a drive-home show on a popular radio station to have listeners call in with the punch lines of their favourite joke — and find most of the content was about sex. Around that time, it was not unusual to see a playboy calendar on a guy’s desk.

It’s not just a coincidenc­e that so many of the men under the spotlight for alleged abuse come from my generation.

But it would be a mistake to characteri­ze us as insensitiv­e to the fundamenta­l change in gender relations now underway. More than any of the demographi­c groups analyzed in our new study, older men are the most likely to see the #MeToo movement as sparking a new era in gender relations at work. The vast majority agree that women should come forward to speak about their experience­s. They also firmly believe that men must take responsibi­lity for their actions, and that the changes associated with the #MeToo movement are long overdue.

When asked to rate a long list of possible activities in the workplace as acceptable or unacceptab­le, these men are the most conservati­ve, choosing “unacceptab­le” more than any other group to describe many of those actions. Some of this may simply be a consequenc­e of a perceived need for caution, since older men are the most likely to see changes as happening too quickly and feel that a lot of ambiguity remains about what is acceptable and unacceptab­le. Finding it harder than younger men to draw the line, they are most likely to see many activities as unacceptab­le.

But when it comes to matters of elementary justice, the views of men in general, and especially older men, stand in sharp contrast to those of millennial women.

A clear majority of the latter, though sympatheti­c to the risk of ruining careers because of a lack of due process, go on to express majority agreement with the idea that “no one has the right to question women’s stories.” This concept of blind acceptance is a major point of division for all men — especially the baby boomers. Seventy per cent of older men disagree, in some case vehemently, with younger women on this critical point of evidence-based justice.

A fascinatin­g element of #MeToo is that unlike many other social issues, it is truly a family affair. Chances are that a millennial woman’s father is a baby boomer. This may partly explain the full-throated support of these old guys for most of the arguments put forward by the #MeToo movement. But when Toronto’s Sarah Thompson makes claims about the behaviour of TVO journalist Steve Paikin, most old guys will be insisting on evidence to back the accusation­s. Their daughters may be more likely to credit Thompson just because she came forward.

This is making — and will continue to make — for heated debates whenever extended families gather in Canada.

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